seventeen ❝yule ball❞

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again not edited 😫

the icon, convicted murderer, and werewolf

pookie: did you get
the dress that we
sent you???

you: yes it's really
fucking ugly

remus: I TOLD YOU

pookie: well you have to
wear it since the yule ball
is today and you have no
other dress to wear

pookie: hehe <3

you: that's why i went
dress shopping with

you: hehe <3

remus: well have fun even
though you don't even have
a date.

you: who said i didn't
have a date??

pookie: WHAT???

you are offline

lila put her phone down and screamed into her pillow.

"i could've gone with cedric fucking diggory." she sighed and laid on her back. until she got another message.


mione: where are you?

you: um in the great

mione: okay, see you
there then.


lila shot out of bed as went to the top of the stairs waiting nervously.


lila snapped around to see hermione standing behind her in a blue frilly dress.


i thought you were downstairs? " hermione questioned, coming to lilas side.

"i should." lila sighed. "but i don't want to embarrass myself. what if i fall down while walking down the stairs? like i already know i look fucking hot but-"

hermione took both of lilas hands. "how about we walk down together and we can be that bad bitch duo or something."


lila and hermiones heads peeked out of the wall until someone tried to push them to the center. failing terribly.

"you can do this. you can do this!"

lila looked back to see draco malfoy wearing a smirk.

"what the fuck what that for?" lila said in a hushed voice.

"i am just encouraging you!" draco groaned.

"come on lila let's go" hermione rolled her eyes and grabbed lila's arm and went to go down the stairs.

the two of them walked down the stairs while hermione was grabbing lila's arm nervously and waving excitedly to viktor.

once hermione and lila were at the bottom, lila spotted harry who was looking at her with his mouth agape.

"go get that child-loving bitch." lila whispered to hermione who smiled at lila then left.

lila walked to harry and flicked him on the forehead since his mouth still opened.

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