#11 School day

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Ross POV:

"WHAT THE HELL!!!!!??" i yelled a bit too loudly. I heard footsteps go down the stairs. I turned around only to see Ryder coming down crying.

"Why are you crying?" I asked and kneeled down his size.

"I hate being woken up..." He said. I remember I was like that.

"Oh..... I'll put you back in bed. Remember, theres school tomorrow - well .. technically today..." I said.

"What?" He asked while wiping his tears.

"Oh.. Just nevermind... Lets go upstairs and put you in bed before your mother-"

"Whats going on here?!" She said.

Oh boy.

--7:00 AM---

I was walking to Ryders room to wake him up which was gonna be tough.

"Ryder... Wake up. Its time for school..." I whispered in his ear. He only rolled over. I shook my head and tapped him.

"Wake up..." I said. He only rolled over again. Where I can see his face. I had no other choice. I started to tickle him.

"THE TICKLE MONSTER IS HERE!!!!" I said as I tickled him alot. A smile grew on his face and he started to laugh.

"Haha! Gotcha! Now get ready for school." I said and exit his room while he got out of bed. Lisa and Laura we're awake already. They we're hanging out downstairs. I havent spent time with Laura so much because I'm SUPER BUSY! I walked down the hall only to pass by the music room. I stopped and turned around. I entered the music room and sat at the piano. I pressed a chord. I jumped a little 'cause I even forgot how loud the piano was. I shrugged and went downstairs.

-In the car on the way to school-

"So are you guys excited?" Laura asked.

"No." The twins both said in unsion. I just remember I had to tell Laura of what happened at I'm guessing around 3:00 AM.

"Why not?" She asked while I drived.

"They wont like us.." Lisa said.

"At all!" Ryder finishes the sentence.

"Well remember to stick together... Fingers crossed you guys are in the same class?" Laura said.

"Fingers crossed..." The twins said at the same time, took out there fingers and crossed them.

"Good." She said.

"We're here!" I said. I looked at the school.

"Stay safe guys! You guys have your fingers crossed?" Laura said. They took out they're crossed fingers. Laura nodded and I waved to them as they walked out of the car and walked next to eachother towards the school.

"Laura, you know fingers dont ALWAYS work....." I said.

"They will if you try!" She said.

"I cant believe your 26, and you still act like a little kid." I said.

"Says the guy who needs his mom when he takes his needles." She said. I shivered.

"Okay then... And Laura.. I really need to talk to you about something absolutley important." I said.

"Whats it about?" She asked.

"Its about Ryder and Lisa..." I said.

"Oh okay then. Lets just go home before our park gets towed." She said. I nodded and drived away back home.

-At home-

We put our coats down and I sat on the couch. She sat on my lap.

"Is there something you wanted to talk about?" She asked.

"Yup. But first.." I said, and I kissed her lips and she kissed back. Our lips moved in the perfect sync. We finally pulled back after 50 seconds.

"We havent done that in a long time..." I said. She nodded.

"So heres the thing I gotta show you." I said. I picked her up and put her on my back. She wrapped her legs around my torso so she wont fall.

I took out Ryder's birth certificate and Lisa's. Laura got off my back and standed next to me.

"What?" She asked.

"Read the names of the parents." I said. She nodded and read the names.


I showed her my recording from last night and her eyes widened.

"So that means.." She said.

"I was there for the twins birth." I finished her sentence.

"This is so frustrating!" She said.

"I know. But as long as we're together...." I said, leaving her to finish the sentence.

"We'll make it through whatever...." She finished. I nodded and gave her a big bear hug.

"I'm actually happy Lisa is my biological daughter, but I don't know how she got the blue eyes... How is it possible??" She said.

"I know why. My mom said I had an ancestor with blue eyes from our family." I said.

"So that explains..." She said.

"Mhm..... You think we should tell them that they're twins?" I asked.

"Of course we should! Right after they come back from school!" Laura said and went into the kitchen as I followed her.

"Cant wait!" I said as I kissed her on the cheek.


Hey Guys! i probably wont be able to update tomorrow because My internet is BLOWN OUT and not working.... So yah.. until next time!



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