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Lisa POV:

"W-Wait.. did you just say.. L-Lynch?" I asked.

"Yup. And who are you?" She asked.

"Lisa lynch." I said.

"Omg! Ross had a kid!" She squealed. What the heck?

"2 of them actually." Ryder came in.

"YAYY!! I'm your Aunt!" She said. Dad has a sister! Uh oh! Shes gonna be upset if she ever finds out what happened.

"Wheres your dad?" She asked.

"Uh.... Unavailable." I said.

"Oh. Would you mind if I used the bathroom?" She asked. Shes my aunt. I might as well be nice.

"Sure." I said. She came in.

"Thanks. Be right back." She said, and went upstairs.

Rydel POV:

I cant believeRoss had twins!! Your probably like, wasnt he an only child?

Well no. He was taken away from mom. Yup. We used to live in Colorado, and then someone kidnapped him, and moved all the way over here, and left him on the streets. We we're devastated. But not as much as mom. As for mom, she's alive. Any who.

I finished using the bathroom, and I was about to go downstairs, but then I found red stuff oozing out of a room. I decided to check it out. So I opened the door, and found something horrifying.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

"ROSS!!" I screamed. The kids rushed in.

"Oh." They said.

"Don't help him!" Ryder said. WTF?

"Yes I will! What the fuck!? Do you not care about your father! What type of children are you!" I yelled, and called the ambulance.

"Hello! Yes! I found my brother lying on the floor with blood all over him! Bye!" I said, and hung up.

"How long has it been like this!?" I asked.

"A couple of hours." Lisa said.

Lisa POV:

"A couple of hours." I said.

"WHAT!?! Why..?" She asked with sadness. I felt guilt raise up in my body, making me shiver.

If only I had listen to my other concense. I felt bed for her. She hasn't seen her brother in years, and this is what she finds.

"Excuse us.." I said, and pulled Ryder out of the room.

"WHAT WE'RE WE THINKING!?!?" I yelled at him, and slapped him.

"Ow!" He groaned.

"Why didn't we call the hospital!!" I yelled at him. He sighed.

"It doesn't matter! He doesn't need to-" I slapped him again.

"Idiot!" I yelled. I suddenly saw the paramedics come in.


We we're in the waiting room. Rydel was crying in her hands. Guilt raced up into my body once again. I decided to sneak off a little bit. I went to the door of where daddy was. I listened closely.

"He lost too much blood!"

"He wont make it!" They said. I sank onto the floor, and cried loudly.

This is all your fault! This is why you have to listen to me!

Lisa.... you should be happy! He's dead! Celebrate!

I cried loudly. Note to self:

Make sure you kill yourself.

Its all my fault...

You got that right!

I cried and wen't back to the waiting room. Ryder looked at me with his cheek with the red mark. He deserved it. I sat down and gave him a death glare.

I hope he dies in hell.

A few hours later, a doctor came in with a blood stain on his shirt.

"What happened?" Rydel asked.

"He...made it. He got lucky. The machine almost went flat.He lost a lot of blood. For a long period of time. But luckily, he made it." The doctor said. Oh thank god.

Laura POV:

I was in bed, but then I got a phone call.

Unknown caller ID

I shrugged and picked it up.

"What the fuck are you doing all the way in Las Vegas! Your husband was about to die! Get to L.A NOW!!!!!!!!!!" A female voice yelled, and hung up.

I was starting to absorb everything the man told me on the bus. To be honest, i'm not even mad about it anymore. Now Ross is about to die? Is that what I heard? Whatever.

"Vanessa! I'm leaving!!" I yelled.

"Finally chasing your man?" She asked. I nodded.

"Go get him." She winked. I shrugged and got into a cab which will take a few hours, but I can still make it. I have enough money.

"L.A. Now." I said. He nodded and drove off.

"Why are you eager to get there?" The old man asked.

"Husband is about to die. It's all my fault." I sighed.

"No don't think it like that sweetie. In fact, this ride is free of charge." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep." He said.

Lisa POV:

"Is he awake?" I asked.

"I'm afraid not. He's in a coma." He said.

"WHAT!? Why a coma!" I asked.

"Because, comas are the only things humans have left to survive." He said.

"How long will it take exactly?" Rydel asked.

"Its only a matter of time before he wakes up. It could take Days, weeks, months, years for all we know..." He said.

"Years!?!?" I yelled.

"Yup. We'll just have to wait." He said.

"Are we allowed to visit?" Rydel asked.

"No. In a few months maybe." He said. I sighed. Months?

I cried louder.


"Save it! Your the worst brother ever!!" I yelled, and cried louder.

"I-Its gonna be alright Lisa. Just wait a few years.. he'll wake up." Rydel said. I heard her mumble."I hope."

Suddenly, a brunette ran into the hospital.

"Kids! I'm here!" She said. Mommy!

"MOMMY!" Ryder yelled, and hugged her.

"I missed you so much! That man is a jerk!" He said. I can't believe him!

"Lisa? Arent you gonna give your mom a hug?" Mom asked. I shook my head.

"Lisa, didn't you-"

"Shut up. You we're supposed to be on my side." I said.

"That's no way to talk to your brother Lisa." Rydel said.

"Since when do I take orders from you?" I asked her. She looked down.

"Lisa, I don't like the way you acting." Mom said.

"Shut up! This would have never happened if you never had left daddy! It was all an accident! If you never left, he wouldn't have been be here! Now we have to wait years until he wakes up!!!" I yelled at her, and ran off.


When we found you-Raura- (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now