Chapter 25

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My five o'clock alarm went off and I got up to turn it off. I turned around and shook Cole awake.

"Wake up, baby. We gotta leave." I said softly but loudly so he could hear me.

Cole groaned and got up. I knew that he hates when people wake him up. I felt so bad but we have to get up to make our flight. I am so excited to go to California. I have always wanted to know what it would be like to stay there.

Anyways, we both got up outta bed and headed downstairs to the car because we did not feel like changing out of our pajamas. We wouldn't care if people stared at us. I would have little but not like I used to.

So, when we got downstairs, I got the car keys from the key bowl and Cole got the bags, then we walked out of the house. After Cole put the bags in the back seat of the car, he opened the passenger side door for me. I smiled and handed him the car keys. I got in and he closed the door. Cole walked to the other side of the car and got in. We both put our seat-belts on and Cole started the car. He backed out of the driveway and started to drive to the airport.

A hour and thirty minutes later of driving, we finally reached the airport. We got out and I grabbed the suitcase and duffle bag from the back seat. Cole locked the car and I gave him the duffle bag. I had the suitcase and then we headed into the building.

We walked inside the building and we walked up to the front desk and gave them our passports. They accepted them and then they handed them back to us. We walked to the security and put our bags onto the table.

We walked through the security scanner to make sure that we had nothing on us that we weren't supposed to. Even though we wouldn't have anything on us. Anyway, we went through security and now we are going to get our bags.

We walked over to get our bags and then headed over to the door that we have to go through to get on our flight. We handed the lady our tickets and headed onto the plane.

We got on the plane and took a seat that we were assigned. Thankfully Cole and I were sitting side by side. I sat on the inside next to the window and Cole sat beside the aisle.

"We will be taking off in five minutes. Make your seat-belt is on for safety reasons. Thank you and enjoy your flight." The flight attendant said.

We made sure we put our seat-belts on and like the flight attendant said, we were flying in five minutes. I made myself comfortable by laying my head onto Cole's shoulder. Cole kissed the top of my head and went back to whatever he was doing on the laptop that he brought with him on the trip.

After a while of watching movies on the tv screen that was available to every passenger on the plane, I was getting tired and decided to sleep for a while. So, I turned off the TV and drifted to sleep.

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