little bit about the story

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You are 2 years younger than Wanda and you have powers like telekinesis, mind-reading, flight, and some more but you are still figuring out your powers (you got them not that long ago but how? you'll have to wait and see) and Tony Stark recruited you for your safety.

Your Personality: Your very determined and work hard but when the works over your all party and chill back. Your very goofy but you know when you should be serious, you put others first and are always there if someone needs to talk. You don't always take the time you need for yourself and it's difficult for you to accept things that are hard and you don't like change.

Hobbies: Training(you like all that exercise stuff) cooking and you really like to spend time with friends 

Ofc you don't have to think of yourself this way but it will help with the story<3 

also, I'm not sure if I'm going to switch POVs but I think I will idk it's confusing let me know what you want!

The story is coming soon most likely not tonight but maybe tomorrow!!

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