Chapter 9

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Y/ns POV: After the loud bang from inside the club interrupted my kiss with Wanda we jump out of the car

 We don't even say anything we just look at each other and nod before running inside 

We get inside to see hostages tied up and Dr.Hales Team pointing guns at us 

Before we could even start the fight we hear a loud voice and we all turn our heads 

"Ah Wanda and Y/n Finally made it to the party," Dr. Hale says as he appears from a dark corner "Looking, good ladies"

"Listen we don't want to fight you but we will If we have to just let the hostages go," I say as I put my hands up just in case I need to blast him

"You know Y/n I like a lady in charge but I also like a lady with a dark past and guess who has both. YOU!" He says as he walks towards us 

"So what are you stalking me now?" I ask as I back up but he grabs my arm 

"Get your hands off her!" Wanda yells as she puts her hands up and we hear his team get their guns ready to shoot

He lets go of my arm and motions to his team to lower their weapons

"Wanda you know nothing about Y/ns past do you?" He asks as he walks over to her

She rolls her eyes and scoffs "How would you know about it" 

"Because I am the one who made her the way she is," He says before laughing "She is who she is because of me!"

"Is this why we are here so you could expose me because I don't see any drugs or heavy weapons. To me, this is a waste of time if you wanted me you should have just kidnapped me again" I say bluntly 

"Oh Y/n I still see you are naive if drugs and weapons are what you wish to see then wish granted," He says as he snaps and 3 men come out from the shadows holding big briefcases

"Now it is only a small fraction of what we brought but you don't need to see it all," He says as the men open the cases

I knew this was not going to end well we were outnumbered and with those weapons potently out powered but I knew we had to do 

I look over to Wanda and raise my eyebrows towards the men with guns 

She nods her eyes and I mouth "1" "2" "3" and when I get to three we start to fight and Dr. Hale runs out of the club taking one of the briefcases with him

Wanda wiped out half the guards with my help and everything seemed to be going fine

"Y/n Go after Dr. Hale we can't let him get away" Wanda yells as she throws a guy into the wall "I can handle this trust me"

"Your right be safe," I say before running out of the club to find Dr.hale

As I walk down the streets trying to find Dr. Hale I feel like someone is following me so I turn around and find him standing there with a glowing weapon

"Why are you doing this?" I shout at him 

He doesn't say anything and just walks towards me "We have unfinished business"

"No, we don't you kidnapped me and used me as a lab experiment I want nothing to do with you," I say 

"Does your team know anything about your past?" He says as he continues to walk towards me "Do they know what life you lived before me do they even know what you are?'

"Correction WERE," I say as I back up "And that's none of their concern"

"Oh Y/n you can't live this life anymore it's not good for you. Come back to me and we can be a team again" He says as he grabs my arm 

"You forced me to live that life and if I didn't you would have killed me," I say as I rip my arm away 

"You know Y/n I wasn't really asking," He says as he points the glowing weapon at me and shoots causing me to pass out

Wanda's POV: After I finish wiping out the guards untieing the hostages and telling them where to go I start to look for Y/n

"Y/n what's your location?" I say into my earpiece but I get no response

"Y/n are you safe?"


After I get no response I start running around trying to find her but its no luck so I call Tony

After a few rings, he finally picks up "Hello Wanda hows the mission Bruce just got to the lab with the hostages to make sure they're okay"

"Tony I can't find Y/n she's not responding and there is no trace of her that do I do," I say frantically into the phone

"Okay Okay calm down her suit has a tracker let me just locate her," He says and I can hear him typing on his keyboard 

"Damnit her tracker has been disabled there's definitely something wrong," He says "Meet at the safe house there will be a chopper to pick you up so you can come back to the compound and we can figure out a plan"

"Okay but what if she's still here?" 

"Don't worry she not," He says and he hangs up the phone

I run to the car and try to speed to the safe house as fast as possible, but the only thing I can think about is Y/n. What if we never see her again. what if she's suffering. what if we cant save her. I manage to put my thoughts on hold as I pull up to the house and run inside

As I walk inside to grab my stuff I find a note laying on my bed 

I slowly sit on my bed to open it and find a picture of Y/n passed and the note read "Times running out"

My heart sinks 

I frantically gather my stuff and start running outside to the chopper with the note in hand choking back tears I was so worried for 

I step into the chopper and find Tony and Bruce 

"Look what was on my bed," I say as I hand them the note

They all read the note and their faces go white 

"We gotta hurry," Nat says as we all buckle 

As the chopper takes off I rest my head against the window and I let a few tears slip without anyone noticing  

I hope Y/n is okay

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