Chapter 6

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Y/n POV: Wanda and Thor are sitting at the table with their tablets out "Come sit y/n we are going over the mission" Thor says as he waves me over

I sit across from Wanda and turn my tablet on "Is it okay if I go get a dress tomorrow for the club" I say as I turn on my tablet 

"Yes take Wanda with you, "Thor says as he scrolls on his tablet 

"Ok let's get a schedule going. The drug gang is going to be at the club in 2 days so tomorrow should be about training and getting Y/n a dress and Tony is going to send us a med jett so we can fly the hurt victims to bruces lab. But does that schedule work for you guys" Thor says without hesitation 

Me and Wanda know how stubborn Thor can be so we just agree and get some food 

"It's getting pretty late we should get some sleep so we can train tomorrow," I say as I fill a glass with some water 

"I think I'm gonna go in like 20 minutes I want to make some calls to Asgard but you to should go," Thor says as he walks to his room 

"Hey Wanda you should go unpack I will there in a minute," I say as I walk outside 

Wanda agrees and we go our separate ways and once I cant see her through the window from outside I pull out my phone and call Natasha 

after a ring or two it picks up "Hey girl how is it going down in Italy" She says into the phone

"It's going good we are about to hit the sack I have to share a room with Wanda let's hope she doesn't snore," I say as I sit on a bench outside the house

"Haha I used to share a room with her when she first got here and thank god she doesn't snore" 

We both let out a laugh and I stand up "Hey can you do me a favor" I say as I pace back and fourth 

"Yeah what's up," she says I can tell she was confused 

"So I need files on Monica and Aron y/l/n for when I get back, "I say trying to keep  my voice down 

"Um sure is that all," she says and I can hear her typing on her computer 

"Yes but I got to go so thank you love you bye," I say before quickly hanging up and running inside 

I walk to the bedroom where I see Wanda sitting on the bed looking through her phone so I go and grab some clothes from the dresser and head to the bathroom to change 

I come out in a big T-shirt and sweatpants "I think we should go to bed" I say as pull back the blankets and plug in my phone

"Yeah let me just change really quick," Wanda says as she grabs her backpack and walks into the bathroom 

As she is getting dresses I hop in bed and I can't help but think about what happened on the plane with Wanda and thinking about her made me smile 

she comes out wearing a tank top and shorts with her hair in a messy bun "Ok I am so tired" she says as she hops into bed

I turn off the lights and get comfy 

"goodnight" she whispers softly 

"Night," I say back 

We have been laying down for about 10 minutes but I can't seem to fall asleep 

I turn onto my back and stare at the ceiling 

"Hey, Wanda you up?" I ask 

She turns facing the ceiling and sighs "Yeah but I'm not sure why"

"Are you worried about the mission?" She asks 

"Yeah," I say back

I wasn't worried about the mission or anything like that I was thinking about Wanda

"Oh me too," She says before she turns over "But we will be fine if we get some sleep"

I sigh and close my eyes "Your right" I say as I start to drift


I wake up and notice Wanda's head resting on my chest. I didn't know what to do should I move it should I leave it should I wake her up for training I mean the sun was up it was probably time

I decided to just let her lay there. The sun was hitting her skin just right and she looked perfect 

I close my eyes and go back to sleep but just as I was setting in I hear a bang come from the kitchen and me and Wanda jump up 

"What the hell was that!" Wanda exclaims as we make our way to the kitchen 

As we make our way to the kitchen we hear footsteps behind us and turn around ready to fight 

"WOAH ladies what's wrong," Thor says with a shocked look on his face

Me and Wanda punch his shoulders "What the hell is wrong YOU" I say as I walk to the kitchen 

"Looks like Thor was just making breakfast," I say as I put his dirty pans in the sink 

Wanda sits at the counter and grabs an orange "He didn't even save us any" She says in a dramatic tone 

We both laugh and Thor rolls his eye's "Well ladies I looked it up and there is a little shop 20 minutes away how about you go there you might find a dress and we train later" Thor says as he grabs his tablet 

"Sure that can work," I say before taking a sip of water

Wanda nods her head in agreement 

"Ok I am going to go get dresses I will be down in like 20 minutes," I say as I leave the kitchen and go to the bedroom

I pick out some clothes and hop into the shower

After my shower, I dry off I wrap myself in a robe, and call Nat

after a few rings, she picks up "Hey what's up" She says 

"Oh nothing just checking in about those files I asked for," I say as I pace around the room

She signs and starts typing "Well I could only find a file for Aron but it turns out he has 2 daughters one whose name is Nova and the other we can not access her file but do you still want his file," she asks

"Um yeah can I have the daughters as well please," I ask as I sit on the bed 

"Sure they will be on your bed when you get home. But I have to go I will see you later" She says 

I say goodbye and hang up the phone

I flop back onto the bed and rub my eyes 

"Oh omg I have a sister" I whisper to myself

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