Chapter 4:

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Y/n POV: I wake up at 4 am and see Wanda cleaning up the cups and pizza boxes from last night 

"Oh Wanda you don't have to do that I can do it later," I say trying to get up and help

"No no it's fine I got it you need your rest this mission is not going to be easy we leave in 2 days," she says as she keeps cleaning 

"Wanda I don't know if I can do this I mean I don't want to let anyone down I mean when-" she cuts me off

"Y/n you will be fine and you are not going alone Thor and I will be there," she says but she doesn't look at me.

We don't say anything for a few minutes but then she turns around and looks at me for the first time since I woke up "We are going to have your back out there" She says before leaving the room

I lay back and wonder how the mission is going to go or what we are fighting but then my phone rings "hello" I answer into the phone. It was Bruce "Meet us in the kitchen we are having a meeting," he said quickly hanging up after

I get out of my hospital bed and try to take the needles out of my are "Damn that hurts" I say as I rub my arm after getting them out. I go to the bag Nat brought up for me and pick out some clothes.

(Since your just leaving the med center I feel like this outfit is fitting but if you don't like it that's fine <3)

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(Since your just leaving the med center I feel like this outfit is fitting but if you don't like it that's fine <3)

I walk into the kitchen to see all the team in their PJs and drinking coffee not doing much talking "Looks like I wore the proper attire" I say trying to break the silence they all let out a smile but go back to being serious  

"Ok we just got word that whatever Thor Wanda and Y/n are fighting is going to be a really hard mission so I know Y/n is still in recovery but we have 2 days till you leave and You need to train together. So Y/n do you feel like you can train you won't let us down if you cant" Steve says 

"Guys I passed out that is all I swear your overreacting I can do it trust me," I say as I get up to make more coffee 

"If it gets too hard let us know," Nat says bluntly 

"Ok but it won't," I say before we move past the subject and talk about some other threats

We finish the meeting and Tony pulls Wanda Thor and me aside

"You all need to go train together like now, so go get ready," He said  

We all nod and head to our rooms to get dressed

I get to my room and put on a black sports bra and some black shorts put my hair up and head to the training center 

I get there and see Wanda stretching but Thor was nowhere to be found. We don't say anything or even look at each other so I go and fill my water bottle

As I'm filling my bottle I can't help but feel that Shes staring at me so I turn around, just as she turns her head in the opposite direction 

We don't say anything until Thor finally walks in "Sorry ladies had some business but I am here and ready to train" 

We look at each other and roll our eyes "Let's get this party started" I say as I walk over to the  weights   

They laugh and walk towards me "Y/n we start with like 30 laps around the track we don't do weights it does nothing for us in the field" Thor says as he points out the window at the huge track 

"PSHHH I knew that I was just joking let's do laps!" I say trying to hide the fact I am so embarrassed

TIME SKIP(I'm so stuck it's not funny)

After we train for a few hours we are completely out of breath "Oh my lord I'm gonna die" I say leaning on a wall and sinking to the floor 

Wanda and Thor sit next to me "same here" Thor says as he tries to catch his breath

We sit there for a minute or two just breathing and drinking tons of water when Tony comes in

"Ok that's enough training go hit the showers and get some rest you leave tomorrow change of plans," He says bluntly and turns to walk away 

"Are you sure I only-" he cuts me off

"It's not up for discussion your ready stop doubting yourself," He says before turning the corner and walking out  

I roll my eyes and stand up "I'm going to go hit the shower see you guys later? maybe tonight? I don't really know" I say as I stretch 

"Ok I think we will see you for dinner but who knows," Thor says but Wanda stays silent. I nod and walk to my room

I enter my room and immediately go start the tub "Maybe a relaxing bath would destress me" I say to myself as I look through my bath salts

I find a nice rose-scented one, pour it in, and light some candles along with some bubbles. I dip my foot in all ready to relax when I hear a knock on my door so I throw on a rob and rush to get it 

I open the door to see Wanda "Oh hey what's up" I say. 

"Uh well I was downloading some movies for the ride tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to watch them with me," She says nervously with a tablet in her hand 

"Yeah totally what do you have," I say trying to hide my smile 

She shows me some movies and tells me about all the others she wants to download

"Wanda those all are really good I cant wait to watch with you," I say 

"Yeah it will be fun," She says smiling "I got to go tho I need to talk with tony"

"Ok see you in the morning," I say before closing the door

 I head into my bathroom and hop into the now perfect temperature bath "I needed this" I whisper to myself before putting my head under 

After I finish my bath I get out and change into an oversized T-shirt and some sweatpants. I walk into my room to see a box with a note on it

I grab it sit on my bed and open the note "You can't go on a mission without a good suit, Love Nat" It stated 

I smiled with excitement and opened the box to find a black and grey suit with everything you could possibly need for a mission 

I smiled so hard my jaw hurt afterward 

I put it back in the box and get ready for bed everything was going right it made me happy. Soon I fell asleep under the warm heavy blanket for a long time 

I wake up to the huge bang coming from the kitchen 

I knew it would not be good.

Heyyy sorry for not updating I have been stuck but pls remember to vote on the story it helps a lot love you all!!

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