Chapter 10

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(Forgot to say but this story takes place before civil war but after age of Ultron)

Wanda's POV: The chopper finally lands and as soon and it does I jump out running to Natasha who was my best friend at the compound

We hug for a few seconds before she breaks the silence and says "I know you worried we all are. just try to think positive thoughts"

I was incredibly worried and all I could think about is her in pain I don't even think it's possible to think positive thoughts right now

We break away from the hug and I see a single tear roll down her cheek but I don't say anything and I just smile

"I know we are all worried about Y/n right now so let's get to work," Bruce says as he walks into the building and we follow "We have to stay focused"

"Well staying here is not going to help anything," Steve says "We need to go out and look for her"

"Personally I think that would be a waste of time. We have nothing and going out to look without any clues would be useless" Tony says as he pulls up a hologram "I am going to try to reactivate her tracker"

"I agree with Tony," Nat says and most of the team nods their heads

I couldn't believe them!

"What are we supposed to just sit around and do nothing? No way I am going to look for her with or without your help" I say as I storm out of the room but Nat grabs my arm

"Hey, Wanda let's go talk okay?" She asks with a soft voice

I agree and walk out of the room with her and out to the balcony

"Wanda I know you're worried but the best thing you can do for her is just be patient," she says

I know Nats right and that's hard to admit but I don't know how anyone could be patient right now

"Yeah your right but its ju-" I start to say but she cuts me off

"Wanda no buts about it being patient could save her life," She says as she grabs my hand "We are gonna find her I promise"

I sigh and sit down on the outside couch "Nat can I tell you something?" I ask with my head down

"Of course"

I took a deep sigh and sat up in my chair

"Y/n and I kissed before the mission," I say

Her jaw drops and she sits down

"Please don't tell anyone," I say in a panic

"I won't I won't but why were you so cold to her when she first got here?" She asks

I sigh and get comfy in my chair "When she first got her I saw her through my window and I knew that I would love her. But I didn't want to get close to her because I knew I would let her down or hurt her in some way"

"Wanda why would you think that"

I look away and a tear rolls down my cheek "Because I let Pietro down and my parents down and maybe if I just di-"

"No you didn't Wanda it was not your fault it's okay," she says in a comforting voice

She comes and hugs me but the hug was interrupted by Clint bursting through the door

"We got something come on," He says frantically and we all run into the lab

"What is it did you find her?" I ask Tony

"We were able to get her tracker back on for a split second then the signal was jammed but I am pretty sure if we break into the firewall and unjam the system we can turn her tracker back on and go save her," Bruce says as he is typing on his computer "Now I'm not that great with all this code its all um very new to me but I think I can..... manage to get it ..... back ON! We got her"

"Just so you know I helped to" Tony adds with a smile

I let out a sigh of relief and smile

"Okay team suit up... let's go save her," Steve says before we split up to get suited up

Y/n POV: I wake up on the cold concrete floor in a dark room with an aching pain coming from my side. I sit up against the wall and pull my shirt up to find a huge wound "Holy shit" I whisper as I squeeze my eyes. Suddenly the lights flick on and the door swings open "Well finally you are up" Dr hale says as he squats down next to me and tosses me some gauze pads "Put these on your wound"

"What do you want from me," I say as I lift my shirt and press the gauze pads on

"Well, Y/n I need you and your," He says but pauses, and he touches my hand "Abilities"

"I don't want to help you just let me go," I say as I try and squirm away from him but its no use

"Oh Y/n face it I saved you and you owe me," he says as he stands up "When I took you, you and your family were living like shit, and then... well then I gave you your powers and you had a purpose. And do you remember when you went back to them and they saw you like you were a monster"

"Well maybe I was one," I say as I look away and a tear rolls down my face

"No no no Y/n you were never a monster," He says as he sits down and hugs me but I push I'm off me

"Are you kidding me! You made me a monster you made me like this do you think I want this I can never live a normal life! My powers are not like anything I have ever seen everyone turned their backs on me except the avengers"

He stands up and he looks furious "You are an ungrateful bitch I SAVED YOU," He says before shutting the lights back off and leaving the room making sure the door locked behind him

I squeeze my eyes as I groan in pain and lay down on the floor

The only thing I can think about is the team and how much I miss them

I miss Tony's humor and how much Steve cared or Nat and how even though we had met not too long ago she had already become my best friend but the main thing I was thinking about was Wanda. But before I could even think of anything else Dr. Hale comes back in with 2 guards and snaps for them to grab me 

As fear fills my eyes I try to scoot away but its no use they are bigger and stronger I could easily overpower them but I can hurt cold and scared "GET AWAY STOP NOW PLEASE" I yell as the men drag me down the hall "STOP NOW LET GO"

It's no use they aren't going to listen and I am too weak to use my powers there would be no point in trying 

"Well, Y/n this is what happens when you don't listen as you should," Dr. Hale says as the men drag me into a room and tie me down to an operating table with a blinding light above me "What are you gonna do take my powers? That would be a dream!"

"Oh Y/n don't be silly," He says as he leans down near my ear "I'm going to do worse"

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