Chapter 14

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Hey guys sorry the chapters short and probably not that good I just wanted to get something out to yall!!  Also sorry if theres any typos im in school and to lazy to read over it!

Y/n POV: 

"WHAT?" I practically shout as I pull my hand away. Great, this is just what I need!

"Y/n I know it sounds crazy but I do and I was waiting until you got better," He says but then his face looks a little serious "But it looks like someone got to it before me"

I step back a little but Wanda steps forward 

"Look I don't know what me and Wanda are but I want to work it out with her," I say quietly "Please just don't tell anyone about this, okay maybe we can talk more tomorrow"

He looks stunned almost in disbelief "Why Wanda?" He blurts out

My eyes widen and step back up "Why wouldn't it be Wanda?" I aks but Wanda steps in front of me

"Bucky I think you should go back to your room before this gets out of hand," She says 

He scoffs and walks away looking pissed. I groan and hang my head I feel bad I really do.

"Hey hey let's just get some sleep and we can talk in the morning maybe we could get some coffee lets just worry about this later it will all work out," say says as she lifts my chin up and looks into my eyes 

"Yeah, you're right. And coffee does sound nice" I say as I pull her into a tight hug "Thank you for tonight" I whisper 

She pulls out of the hug and tucks some of my hair behind my ear "Goodnight" she says before giving me a wink and walking down the hall to her room

My body just melts as I flop onto my bed. I just can't stop smiling its this amazing feeling and it won't go away all I can think about is Wanda and our kiss. It wasn't like our kiss on the mission it was better it felt like love, real love not the fake stuff you see on TV.

Wanda's POV:

I wake up to the sound of bells coming from the kitchen "What the hell" I whisper to myself before I check the clock "It's 7:00 am why!"

I jump out of bed and throw on pair of Pj shorts and head down to the kitchen to find Steve, Nat, and Vision cooking breakfast and everyone watching a sitcom in the living room 

"What's the occasion ?" I ask as I grab a piece of bacon off the plate and nat slaps my hand

"No occasion just thought a team breakfast would be good for us," She says "Okay it's ready! come get it and sit at the table"

I grab a plate before everyone else and grab some scrambled eggs french toast and some Oj. When I walk over to the empty seat next to Y/n who is moving her food around with her fork I see Bucky going for the seat as well and he sees me I rush to sit down and so does he. I get to the seat first and he gives me a dirty look and sits across from me instead. "Well Y/n how did you sleep?" I ask with a smile

"Fine I guess. It was a little hot though" she says as she continues to play around with her food, she looks a little glum. "I'm gonna get more jucie" she says with a sigh but bucky grabs her cup before she could 

"I got it doll" he says before he winks and goes into the kitchen "You had Oj right?" he asks as he opens the fridge and she nods 

"Well hows the food everyone?" Nat asks "We worked pretty hard." We all agree that it was great and the the room gets silent again like no one has anything to say

Bucky brings Y/ns jucie back and sets it infront of her but she just sighs "I'm going for a run" she says as she stands up places her plate in the sink and rushes up stairs. Should I be worried? No she probably just wants to clear her head after lastnight. But maybe I should just check "I am gonna tag along" I say quicky running up to her room 

I get to her room and the door is creaked open so I peak my head in to find her laying on the floor just staring up at the celing "Are you okay?" I say with worry in my voice as walk in 

"Oh yeah yeah im fine" she says wiping her tears and standing up before grabing a sweatshirt off her bed "just getting ready to run" She says with a laugh but I know its more than that i know theres something really wrong. I sit on her bed and I tilt my head to the side a little bit and give her the 'Lets talk about it' look and she sighs and sits next to me

"Whats wrong?" I ask as she puts her head on my shoulder 

"God its just so much I hate it. The whole thing with bucky and I mean I still cant get my mind off Dr. Hale and theres just a lot going on that I cant talk about and I just wish my life was simple. And theres so much I want to tell you but I can" she starts to blurt out and I can tell she wants to cry. I'm not sure what to say or how to react so I just wrap her in my arms and I lay down still holding her tight 

"Its gonna be okay" I whisper to her as I bush her hair behind her ear "We are going to work it all out"

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