Chapter 3

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Also just so you guys know once Y/n and Wanda get closer its gonna start switching POVs but for now its just your POV

Y/n POV: I wake up on a mat in the training room with my head in Nat's lap and the team surrounding me "What happened" 

"Were not sure but you were out for about 5 minutes we were just about to take you to the med center" Steve explains 

I try to get up but Nat keeps me down "Just relax for a minute you just woke up," she says in a low voice

My head was pounding and I was super hot I just wanted to lay down on my bed and go to sleep

"Y/n I'm gonna take you to the med center to take some tests and we're gonna figure out what happened," Bruce says as he reaches for my hand to help me up and then motions for Tony to bring over the wheelchair so I don't have to walk

As bruce wheels me up to the med center I see Wanda following us from afar but I thought that she was just going in the same direction

We finally make it to a room with big machines, wires, and a table in the middle "Ok Y/n can you hop up on the table for me and we can start these test" Bruce says as he gives me his hand to get up 

I lay down on the cold metal table and squint my eyes from the bright fluorescent lights above me this seemed too familiar. Bruce sticks a needle in my arm without warning "Ow Bruce maybe a countdown would work"

He smiles "Sorry I thought it would hurt less if you weren't paying attention," he says as I see him draw blood from my arm. Blood never bothered me but seeing it come out of my arm like that made me sick

After we run a few tests I had to follow him into a boring hospital room "So this is where I'm staying?" I ask bluntly 

"Well until we figure out what's wrong I would send you back to your room but this is a request from tony so yeah," he says as he opens the blinds 

"Why would he want me to stay here and not my room?" I ask

"Well I'm not really supposed to say but we have cable maybe that will help the stay be more exciting"

I roll my eyes and pull out my phone from a bag Nat must have brought up for me while I was still getting my tests done

"We are all coming for a visit tonight we might bring pizza so don't fill up on nasty jello," Bruce says putting an IV in my arm

"Is all of this really necessary I passed out that's all" I ask as I point to all the equipment in the room

"Orders by Tony himself sorry kido," Bruce says as he passes me the remote for the big TV on the wall "I have a meeting to get to I will have someone check in on you" 

Bruce leaves the room in a hurry "IM NOT A KIDO" I yell to him even tho he probably won't hear

A few minutes go by of me switching between channels when I hear a knock at my door "Come in" 

The door opens and I see Wanda standing there with a little bag "Hi" she says as she comes and sits down on a chair next to my bed

"Um this is a gift from the team," she says as she passes me the little bag. I open it to find a little jewelry box and inside was a simple little necklace

"Oh wow it's beautiful," I say "can you tell the team thank you when you see them all together, please" 

"Tell them yourself" I hear Steve say. He is standing at the doorway with all the team

"I thought you were coming later tonight," say as I motion them to come in and sit

"We still are but right now we are foodless," Nat says as she comes and sits on my bed "How are you feeling?"

"Guys I am fine like please don't worry I will be out of here in no time," I say. I was really happy that the team came to see me I mean I met them yesterday and I already felt like I had a family

"We know it's just we want you to be in grade A shape because your first mission is coming up," Tony says 

I was shocked my jaw dropped "Wait really" I say almost jumping out of bed 

"Yes and you are partnered up with Wanda and Thor this is a small mission but we need our most powerful on it," he says my jaw drops 

"Most powerful?" I ask. Wanda gets up and walks out of the room she seemed pissed and Steve followed her

"Well yes are one of the most powerful avengers we have yes you need to train more but with what you have now you still are top 5," he says 

I was beyond shocked I was so excited but that also puts a lot of pressure on my

"That is why I wanted you to stay here so you could get the best care possible for the mission and also so we can find out more about your powers," Tony says as he sits up and looks at my chart

"Wow um just wow," I say I am still in total shock 

"So no results on your tests yet?" Nat asks 

"No I mean I did take them about an hour ago so," I say in a joking manner 

they all let out a small laugh 

"Well we have some things to do Y/n but we will be back with pizza and maybe some ice cream later on," Nat says as they all stand up and head towards the door. I wave them goodbye and turn the TV back on. 

After I watch a few movies and some bad reality TV they finally come back with pizza and some other stuff in the bags 

"Whos Hungry," Steve says as he walks in and sets the pizza down 

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