Chapter 13

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GUYS WTF 10K READS OMG! Thank you so so so much for all the love and I know it's not huge and might not be a lot to some people but its a lot to me and I love and appreciate all of you. I also have been thinking a lot about making this a trilogy so what do you think.. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter it's really cute(And juicy)!

Y/n POV: When I open my door after hearing a loud bang I see a dress a pair of black wedges and a jean jacket with a note that says "10:00 Top balcony" 

At first, I am a bit sceptical but I grab the clothes and lay them on my bed as I pace back and forth thinking about who it could be and why "It gotta be Wanda I mean it's her I just know it" I say under my breath. So I quickly throw on the outfit do my makeup and just brush through my hair. As I walk up to the top balcony my heart starts to beat faster and my palms get a little sweaty. I'm so nervous I have no idea what's gonna happen or who this even is. I mean it has to be Wanda I need it to be her. After that kiss, nothing has been clear when it came to our relationship so that's why I need it to be her I want things to be clear with me and her.

As I approach the balcony I see a candlelight dinner set up with red roses  and Wanda looking over the balcony 

"Glad you came I was starting to think you weren't going to come," She says as she turns to face me. 

I can't do anything but smile and look at the floor. Oh god I am so happy it's her

"Sit?" she says gesturing to the table with a smile.

We both sit down and I take a peek inside the silver platter "This was all so uneasy" I say as I look around and smile 

"I don't think it is," She says as she grabs my hand and looks into my eyes "I need to um tell you something important its uh kinda hard to say and you are  not allowed to say anything until I'm done because if you do well it's just going to mess my who thing up because I planned some whole speech and Nat said it was stupid and I should just speak from the heart so that's what I'm doing so if you talk I won't be able to talk form my heart anymore and it will all go to shit" she starts rambling on almost running out of breath 

"Okay okay I won't talk if you promise to breath"

"Okay, here it goes," She says before taking a big breath "Ever since you came here I have just felt like this electric spark whenever you were around and I wanted to get to know you but I wasn't ready after what happened in Sakovia and I just couldn't but I really wanted to. Then when we got paired for training I was excited but scared because I didn't want to let you down and when you got hurt it made me distance myself even more which hurt me but I knew it would be for the best. And when we got paired for the mission I was confused because it was such a simple job Natasha and Steve could have done it easily but then I realized Tony was playing matchmaker. And I really just want to tell you that I really really like you. I like you in the way that makes me crazy and you are the only thing I can think about and it drives me crazy that I love you because I shouldn't be loving you the way I do and I know at this point I am rambling but I don't care I just want you to know how I feel because I do love you"

"Wanda I-" I start to say but she stops me

"If you're going to reject me don't sugar coat it. I just bared my heart out to you that's the last thing I need" She says

"Wanda I feel the same way. I have loved you since that night the house felt like it was 100 degrees and you were reading and the moonlight hit your skin just right. I love you"

after I say that her face lights up and so does mine but we don't say anything we just sit and she holds my hand tight.

"Well, should we eat?" I say with a smile and I gesture to the silver platters 

"Oh yeah I ordered takeout this whole thing was last minute," she says with a little giggle that makes me smile even more"

Wanda's POV: After dinner, we just talk. We talk about the most random things but it doesn't matter I am just glad to be talking to her it's like coming up from the water for fresh air.

"So what now?" she asks

"What do you mean?"

"What are we? I know we both have these feelings for each other and it's not like we are going back to ignoring them so what are we?" 

"Let's just take it slow," I say standing up and taking her hand "Dance with me?"

she rolls her head back and laughs "Oh god. This is the most cheesy yet romantic thing anyone has ever done for me" she says as she stands up

"Well that's sorta my thing," I say as I turn on a playlist that Natasha made


"No not at all I never do things like this," I say and we both laugh 

I grab her waist pulling her in close and we sway along with the music and for a moment everything felt right. I am with the girl of my dreams dancing under the stars with her head on my shoulder. I could stay here forever. But then the moment was ruined.

"Shit it's raining let's get inside," I say pulling her hand but she lets go 

All she does is laugh and smile while twirling around getting soaking wet "Come on Wanda a little rain cant ruin our dance"

"A little? Are you kidding its practically pouring!" 

"Come one don't ruin it," she says holding out her hand "Just let me lead and it will be fine"

"Oh god I give in," I say practically leaping into her arms 

"OH GOD ITS FREEZING" I yell with a smile 

She just holds me tighter and I nuzzle my head into her neck "I Love this" she says 

"I love you" I whisper so quietly I don't think she can even hear me.

But as a new song plays softly in the background I move my head and place my hands on her face "God I wish it could be like this forever" I say looking into her eyes

"Why can't it?" She asks before kissing me softly and pulling my waist in closer. It felt electric 

After the kiss me and Y/n head inside walking down the hall back to our rooms soaking wet

"Well um I guess we will talk more about his in the morning," she says as she grabs my hand "I am really glad we are doing whatever this is"

I smile "Me too," I say before leaning in to kiss her like I would be doing to for the rest of our lives someone comes running up to us.

"Bucky?" We both say

"Y/n I need to tell you something," He says frantically and she drops my hand

"What's up is there something wrong," she asks with worry in her voice

At this point, I am just standing back waiting to see what he says hoping its not bad news 

"I think I love you Y/n," He says as he grabs her hand 

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