Chapter 12

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Y/n POV: As I lay in my hospital bed with beeping machines all around I can only think about one thing and that's Wanda. I haven't seen her since the jet ride home we didn't talk she just sat with me and held my hand the whole way home and didn't let go. I want to see her and talk to her but Bruce has me on bed rest and she hasn't come to see me or at least when I am conscious. I have been blacking out for long periods of time ever since I got home and we have no clue why. they put me on tons of medication but I just wanna leave this god damn hospital bed for once I can't even shower without having Natasha stand outside the door just in case I slip and fall or something I hate it I hate this.

"Got some news for you," Tony says as he walks into the room with his tablet, "Bruce says bed rest is over you can officially leave this bed and room whenever you want but you still have to take it easy obviously but no training and no missions until you are officially cleared and that will probably be in a few weeks"

"Oh THANK GOD," I say with relief

"No, thank the wonderful and amazing Tony Stark and green rage guy Bruce banner"

"Yes yes thank you too," I say with a smile

After Tony leaves and I watch a few episodes of my show I decide to get up out of bed and take a walk. I slip a pair of socks on and my slippers then put my hair up and change out of my awful hospital gown into a sweats tank top and a loose sweater. As I make my way out of the room I lose my balances a few times but it's no big deal

I make my way all the way to the kitchen where I see Natasha eating an apple and her eyes go wide

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT OF BED" she shouts as she jumps up and sits me down "STARK WHERE ARE YOU"

"Oh my god nat please calm down Tony cleared me and I was feeling ambitious I'm okay trust me," I say trying to calm her down 

"Sorry I just get worried like that sometimes just please take it easy next time please," she says  as she grabs me a water bottle 

"Okay okay I'm sorry it won't happen again," I say just as wand walks in and Nats face falls a little and I think mine does too

"What won't happen again?" she asks before taking a seat across from me and looking down like she doesn't want to see me at all 

"Y/n walked all the way from her room to the kitchen and just got off bed rest she was supposed to take it easy"

I roll my eyes and give a little smile but want seems unbothered and just keeps looking down

"Well anyway I am going to MY room you know the one with all my stuff in it," I say getting up from my chair and walking off

"Remember take it easy" Nat yells and I can tell she was smiling when she said that 

Wanda's POV: I haven't had a chance to talk to Y/n yet or more like I don't have the balls and I'm scared of rejection but I don't see a big difference. I desperately wanted to tell her how I feel and I wish I could but she's going through so much right now and I can't help but think it's my fault. If I had just gone with her and we didn't split up this would not be happening I could have protected her. But I know what needs to be done. I have feelings for her and she needs to know.

I call nat and after a few rings she picks up

"Hey what's up?" she asks 

"I need help with something, for  Y/n and.......I please your the only one who I trust" I say exited 

"Anytime," she says and I can tell she said it with a smirk


When my clock shows 9:45 I jump out of bed and rummage through my closet to find something to wear. I find a stunning red flowy dress that falls just above my knee, a black leather jacket, and my lucky boots. Pietro stole them for my birthday a few weeks before Ultron. it was one of the only things I still had from him so they were special. I put on some light makeup and take a few deep breaths 

"Okay okay Wanda you have got this your going to be fine everything is fine" mumble to myself until I get a next from nat saying "its all set up she is gonna be on her way in like 3 minutes"

I smile and head to the balcony 


Hey y, all!! sorry for not updating I was super busy and school just started so I have been swamped. Also sorry about how short this is I finished it in homeroom and just wanted to start a new chapter!!! Love yall hope you're enjoying Thorns so far!

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