Chapter 11

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Y/ns POV: As I lay tied down to the cold operating table and only God knows where Dr.Hale and his guards are there's a pipe across the room that won't stop dripping little water drops onto the floor making one of the most annoying sounds. Normally it wouldn't bother me or make me angry but there the circumstances I think it's okay

"OH MY GOD SHUT UP" I yell as I flick my hand trying to use my powers to stop it and it works. I wasn't tired or dizzy I felt normal like I was doing an everyday ordinary task. Holy shit. My powers work. I use my powers to undo the leather straps that are holding me down and I jump up and make my way out of the room

As I'm walking down the hall I can feel the blood leak through the bandage on my stomach but I push through the pain and try to find my way out of the dark building stumbling the whole way. I push through a door that leads to a room full of computers and screens and a single chair in front of it all

"What the hell" I whisper to myself as I run my fingers along the devices but soon I hear a Loud bang from down the hall so I hide under the desk and hope they don't come in. I know if I use my powers right now especially since my wound is bleeding more I know I won't have too much strength left.

"WHY WERE YOU NOT WATCHING HER" Dr hale screams at his guards

As they try to explain stuttering the entire time Dr. Hale pulls out a gun and I cover my mouth trying not to make any noise


Dr. Hale types something onto the computer and leaves the room with the guards following close behind him. Why would he want my sister? Is my so-called "family" In trouble? I can't even think straight right now. But I need to find a way out or well I don't even want to think about what's going to happen if I don't.

I crawl out from under the desk and run out of the room and down the hallway to find a supply closet "Maybe there will be something I can use to help heal my wound" I think to myself and I open the door walk in and shut it behind me to find a bunch of old cleaning supplies from the like 50s and 60s also some old files.

Suddenly I hear a loud bang come from the outside so I lock the door and start pacing.

Wanda's POV: "Okay team Banner made this bomb that we can put on the side of the building that will create a way for us in without doing too much damage to the building we don't want to injure Y/n even more," Cap says as he sets the bomb and motions for us to stand back

Oh I hope Y/n is okay that's all I can think about. After the kiss thing I don't really know what to expect how is she going to react when she sees me? Will it he awkward? Will she want a relationship? God I need to stop this.

The bomb goes of and we walk through the hole as alarms blare inside the building lights go from bright white to red and dust and dearie falls from the ceiling

"Split up Nat and I will go down the east hall Barton and Tony will go down the west hall and Wanda your on your own. Can you handle that?" Steve asks

I nod my head and start running down the hall calling for Y/n

As I turn the corner Dr.Hale grabs me and tries to drag me into a dark room but I am not going down that Easily. He took Y/n and god knows what her has done to her I am not letting the man hurt anyone every again. I manage to get him to the floor and I place my foot on his stomach with my had pointed at his head already glowing red

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right here right now you bastard" I say

He just smiles and shakes his head like he's trying to taunt. I know this game but it's not going to work  not now not ever

"You know what I'm not going to kill you but I'm going to make sure you never see the light of day again" I say as I pull him up by his collar and push him against the wall as he is still smiling

I put special cuffs tony made for missions and they are get off without a special magnet so I cuff him and and bring him out to the jet and put him in the holding cell

"Your gonna rot" I say as I walk away

Over intercoms I here Steve call me to the west hall. They found her and she's safe. Hurt and scared but safe.

I start to sprint to the west hall faster than I ever have before I want to see her I want to hold her. No scratch that I need to. I need to do those things because I love her. I want her to know that.

HEYYY sorry I haven't updated in a little and sorry it's short but the next one will be better hope your doing well stay safe<3

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