First day

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It was your first day at your new job. Your mom was helping you with your hair since this was somewhat your first major job. Your heart was racing every time you looked at the time.

"You look stunning" she said with a soft smile "Thanks, mom I gotta get going". "You made sure you got everything y/n". "Yup" you said pulling out the gold card.

You were ready to leave you had on natural makeup on, with your hair let down. The uniform they gave you was a fitted black velvet dress and heels with the strap wrapped around your ankles.

The theme was black and white that night. You drove up to the huge building and parked in the staff parking. Okay okay y/n be calm taking a deep breath to yourself. You went in through the back and pressed the gold card to the lock pad to unlock the door.

On your interview day, you were told to go see the main boss since you were the newest member that had had in a long time.
Walking in it was so beautiful inside. Wow, it's more stunning in here at night than the day you thought to yourself. There was red carpet, chandeliers, a ton of elegant people, and most important the luxury sports cars that were presented. You were amazed you never seen anything like this before. And yet also shocked and thinking to yourself what am I even doing here I don't belong here your chest sunk in.

Then you felt a tap on your shoulder. "Oh hello" it was the worker who interviewed you. "You made it" she told you. "Yes ma'am I'm looking for the boss" you told her shyly. "Oh yes come this way he is really excited to meet you, newbie". "Really!" you felt your back get hot. She walked you down a long hallway with paintings on the wall and marble statues.

When you guys reached the door she whispered "he's kind of a goofball so don't get intimidated by him" she chuckles. "Thank you" you loudly whispered back with a big smile. That made you feel better and took off some stress. She gave a knock and opened both doors.

"You have a visitor" she announced. "Huh, who is it" a head popped out under the desk? "Oh ho" it's you our new member he said getting up. "Nice to meet you" he said walking around his desk reaching out for a handshake. "Honey" the girl from behind you said walking up to him "you gotta look presentable for our new member" she said brushing off a white powder off his chest.

Honey? wait is that- you thought to yourself. "Oh yes yes your right Mito thank you". "Okay, I'm leaving now" she said closing the doors behind her. "Umm, I'm sorry I was never told your name" you asked him. "Well, I'm Hashirama Senju nice to meet you y/n. I run everything around here so if you need anything you can ask me or my wife Mito. Oh uh please have a seat sorry about that".

"Thank you very much for giving me this job" you told him.
"Well yes of course your mother was the one who recommended you here she is a good friend of mine". Thinking to yourself why does my mom even know this man and he's her friend what! "Well enough of the introductions let's get to business he said in a stern voice". "You will be getting paid about four thousand every weekend plus another thousand for the weekday". Taking a pause you blinked "wait what sorry to interrupt sir but I was told only two hundred a day how did my salary go up" you said shocked.
He laughed "it's not much why are you surprised!"

"You could make more if we make a deal" he said looking into your eyes. "What kind" you said scared feeling your cheeks get red thinking the worst. "Okay well don't be frightened I know it's your first day you have to have a decision by next weekend". "Yes, I understand" you told him looking down. "Now the deal is that you will make up to ten thousand a weekend pluse more to also sell some of this while you're handing out drinks to everyone". He pulled out a tray from under his desk with white powder on it with a rolled-up hundred. Frozen your eyes widen "I-is that coke". "Yes now now don't be afraid you have a choice four thousand or ten" he said looking at you up and down.

"How old are you he asked?" "I'm nineteen going to be twenty next month" you told him while your heart was racing to try to debate in your head. "Next week I want your decision". "Yes" you told him "I will". It stayed silent for a while...

"Follow me" he said getting up opening the doors for you. "Okay" feeling your body get hot from getting nervous. He placed a hand on your shoulder it was warm and gentle "don't stress it relax this is just a party nothing serious now are you ready to get started" the tall man said looking into your eyes. "Yes Mr.Senju" you told him making you blush a little. "Great now here" he said walking to the bar with him. He handed you a tray with drinks "once you give all these away come back and they will give you more to hand out" Hashirama said pointing to the workers at the bar. "Yes sir" you said holding the tray. "If you need help with anything my wife will be around here," he said "okay good luck ill be leaving now," he told you patting your head.

He left you speechless you were processing everything you felt your heart racing the whole time. You seen a man snap his fingers looking in your direction you quickly walked towards him "drink sir putting on a smile". "Yeah thank you ma'am" he said looking at your chest. "Eh yes, your welcome" you said walking away. You walked around more offering people drinks looking at the other girls to see what they were doing to hand out their drinks. You gave away about ten trays that night with people handing you tips. Wow, this is great I make five hundred in tips!

Hashirama came up to you with a microphone in his hand "I would like to thank everyone who came but now we will be closing soon... I would also like to congratulate our new member" he said hugging you "now raise your glasses to

You started to blush feeling embarrassed from everyone looking at you. "Okay now everyone shall exit through the double glass doors". After he handed the microphone away  "here" pulling out a wad of money "you did well today" then placed it into your hand. "Umm no please this is to much" you said pushing it back to him "I'll just wait for my paycheck...".

"I like you" he said patting your head "take it I insist" his voice grew stern. "O-okay thank you, sir"- "You should head home now well have someone escort you to your car y/n". You nod your head and see a huge bulky man lead the way.

Once you reach your car you thank him and drove home. It was a long night you were ready to get to bed. It was around two am when you got home.

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