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"Madara why do you even like me". "Your different y/n" he said crawling onto the bed. "No, I'm not I'm just some servant girl that just happened to talk to you".
"It's nothing like that" he said getting closer. You were getting that feeling again between your legs. Madara touched your legs moving his hand higher and higher. "What are you- please don't do that" you said in a shy voice. "Why are you so sensitive have you never been touched"? "No, I haven't" stopping his hands you were shaking. "Hmm, are you a virgin" he said taking his hands off. "Yes, I am" you said embarrassed "why" he asked. "I just been waiting for the right one" you said looking into his eyes heavy breathing. Madara clenched his fist. He kissed your cheek and got off the bed. "When this storm is over can I take you on a date"...

"Yes, I would like that" you said smiling touching the spot he kissed.
"When the light comes back on I'll cook something for you" he said walking out the room. "Madara wait" you said. He came back with arms crossed "yes"? "Umm-" you didn't know what to say you just didn't want him leaving you alone.

"It's nothing sorry to bother you". He grinned "I'll come back in a bit I need to go handle something".

Another hour passed the lights came back on. You were getting hungry and went to the kitchen looking into the fridge. Madara grabbed your shoulder and told you to sit. You nodded and sat at the bar holding your clothes together. "You wouldn't seem like the type to cook". "Why yes only when I have free time that is". "So what kind of food you like" he asked. "All kind it doesn't matter". Madara smiled "here eat up" placing a plate in front of you. "Wow, this looks delicious" you said blushing. Madara cooked you grilled fish with rice on the side. "Thank you so much" you said with a big smile. Madara had a blank face and turned around "your very welcome" he said. You and Madara sat across from each other and ate dinner. You thought to your self I was afraid of this man for no reason but still, he is in one of the biggest drug gangs ever. But he acts so different than what I expected. He doesn't talk much either should I ask questions...

After you two finished you cleaned the table and washed the dishes. "It's not necessary for you to do that" he said trying to stop you. "Please I've been trapped in this penthouse all day I need to do something". "Eh- alright just this only". After some time you finished cleaning. Madara disappeared again. The penthouse had an upstairs you were curious what was up there since you only been downstairs. You went up and your eyes lit up wow it's all windows up here. The rain was getting a little better you thought to yourself.

You walked around looking for Madara. Wait what am I going to say to him when I find him you got nervous I'm such a weirdo you thought to yourself. Then all of a sudden you heard moans. Huh is Madara working out again wow he even has two workout rooms? You tiptoed wanting to peak to where the grunting was coming from. There was a door that had a crack to peek inside. When you looked inside you were in shock holding your hands to your mouth.
Madara was masturbating you got the whole view. He was moaning rubbing faster and faster at his dick. You were sweating feeling like you couldn't move. Why is that big you said to yourself? He's completely naked! You stayed watching getting that feeling again between your legs this is so hot. Ah, I'm such a perv you thought I need to get outta here tiptoeing away holding your mouth. You ran back downstairs. His naked body wouldn't get out of your head.

His moans replaying in your head making you feel hot. Snap out of it you said sitting on the couch. It was getting dark outside and the rain was light it finally calmed down. Madara came down your eyes widen looking at him. Everything was replaying in your head. He came up to you and asked if you wanted a drink. You hesitated knowing you weren't old enough yet you still had one more year. "Sure you said one drink couldn't hurt". Come he said you followed him upstairs to a minibar you were nervous. He poured you one drink then another and another. You lost track of the drinks and found yourself drunk. Madara only drank a little he wasn't even tipsy.
"Madara your so sexy you know" you said touching his chest blurting out. He laughed "looks like the real you is coming out". "Uhh, these clothes are getting on my nerves" you said trying to take them off. "No more drinks for you miss" he said picking you up. You flopped on his arm touching his face "I want you so bad" you told him with such a drunk voice. Madara took you into a room upstairs. "Madara touch me more" you said laying on the bed. "Your tempting me to" he whispers into your ear. He sat down on the bed looking at you touching your face. You laid there looking back at him and started touching yourself. "Please Madara I can't control myself around you". You started moaning fingering yourself in front of him. Madara had a huge boner popped out from his pants. You got up and seen his pants and placed your hand on it. "Can I please you, Madara". Madara told you that your just drunk and you don't know what you want yet. Then he got closer to your ear and whispers "you wouldn't be able to handle this yet...."

My new life Madara X Reader matureWhere stories live. Discover now