The decision

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Hashirama sent out a message to all the girls that he was hosting a huge event out the dealer and sent the location.

It's been almost a week since the last time you went in. And you had to choose to sell the drugs or not. It is a lot of money you thought debating in your head while getting ready and made your mind up. "Okay, I'm leaving mom". "Bye be safe" she yelled from the other room.

It took you almost an hour to get to the location. Where am I you thought to yourself? You pulled up to a big mansion eh is this the right location confused. You parked your car and came up to the door and pushed the doorbell Mito opened the door and greeted you "your a little late" she said. "I'm sorry I didn't know where I was for a second" you tried explaining. She laughed it off "it's fine everyone is getting ready before the event starts".

"Oh okay where do I go" you asked. "Here put this on" she took you to where the other girls. You got changed and made small talk with the other girls. Getting to know then you found out they all sell the tiny bags of coke to. "Well, luckily I wasn't the only one he asked" you felt a little relieved. Once all the girls were ready you stood in line with the other staff. Hashirama came up and announced that this was going to be a huge event because his best friend was coming over and my brother too...hopefully.

So basically, a get-together you thought to yourself. "Do your best everyone" he said blushing.

After everyone was sent out Mito told you Hashirama needed to see you. Yes you said a followed her upstairs. You followed her into a hallway and she opens the door for you. You thanked her and made yourself into the room. She closed the door while walking out. "Uhh hello..." it was silent no one was there. You took a seat on the chairs in front of you. "Sorry", a hand popped out waving "I'll be right there". "Okey", you said in a soft voice. Hashirama came walking out adjusting his tie. "So what do you think about my house" he said spreading his arms out. "It's beautiful sir" you said with a gentle smile. "Thank you" he blushed "anyway so my best friend is coming his name is Madara Uchiha we go way back" he chuckled. Your eyes widen "Uchiha" you said in a low voice. "Yup, I know don't be scared there not what they seem as people say...Meh, maybe a little scary" he said joking.

How could a sweet heart be friends with an Uchiha BESTFRIENDS!!!

The Uchiha were a huge gang that dealt with drugs. People said they were heartless monsters who would kill anyone but you only heard of him and never seen him so you don't know what to expect.

"You'll meet them later anyway have you made up your mind". "Yes sir I have come to a decision" you said squeezing your legs. "I will do it". "Great he said well I should explain how you should sell". "You only sell when we're hosting an event" he strictly said. "You ask the host if they would like a complimentary with their drink". "That is the code word" he told you in a serious voice. "I have a question what if they don't know what I'm talking about what do I do then". "No need to worry he said smiling everyone knows what it means" wink*. "It's just in a more better phrase to say it in you understand". "Yes sir" "here" he said walking up to you sitting on the armrest of your chair. He pulled out three small bags of white powder and slipped them into your bra. "Sell those three tonight and get back to me with the money" he said lifting your chin up. "Yes, sir", you said clenching your hands. "Alright let's get going" he said taking your hand and going out into the ballroom. "Go get a tray and do your best" he said smiling. "Yes, I will" you said nervously blushing. There where a huge crowd of people you felt like you were burning up. Alright, y/n keep yourself together you told yourself gabbing a food tray.

Entering into the crowd you walked around for about thirty min and already sold one bag two more to go. While you were standing alone a man came up to you with a large mane of black hair. He stood next to you looking at the crowd. "I have never seen you around" he said in such a deep voice. "I'm new you would you like a dessert sir" you told him holding up the tray. "No thanks", he said looking into your eyes. "U-uh oh okay" you said looking down

What's up with this guy you thought to yourself. "Would you like a complimentary sir"? "Hmm... yes here" he said handing you a wad. "Wait this is too much" he smirked keep the the rest he said as he held out his hand. "Oh yes here sir" you said pulling the bag out of your bra. "What a naughty place to keep this in" he said examining the bag. "Am I not supposed to have it in there". "Hmm well other girls have it in their pocket when I buy from them"." O-oh I see" you said embarrassed. "I'll be coming to you now when need a little boost" he grinned." What's your name" he said taking a drink?

"Y/n" you said in a shy voice. "Oh see your the new one Hashirama told me about"." Wait what did he say about me" you asked concerned. "Nothing much good things". "Oh, okay...what's your name, sir". 'Madara Uchiha" he said looking back at the crowd. You're heart felt like it sank in your chest. "N-nice to m-meet you sir" trying to get the words out of your mouth. "What's wrong are you okay"?

"Mmm-hmm" you said shaking. "Here come with me you look sick" he took the tray out of your hands and setting it on a table and taking your hand. You were still shaking even more when he touched you "where are we going sir". "Getting some fresh air" he said pulling you.

The Madara Uchiha is touching me he's so strong you felt your legs getting weak. You almost fell but he caught you and carried you. "Be careful y/n" he held you tight to his chest and took you to a porch where you get a view of the house. He set you on a bench and sat next to you. It was silent you gazed at Madara while the breeze blows his hair. "Are you okay" he asked breaking the silence. "Y-yes sir" you said in a scared voice.

This man sitting next to you could kill you at any point. Why is he caring for me I'm just another servant girl.

He stares at you "I can tell you're afraid of me" he said looking down. "Umm no it's not that" you explained which was a lie you were terrified. "Its alright people who first meet me are usually". "I just never met anyone so important before I'm trying to get used to this new lifestyle"." New lifestyle" he questioned. "Yes, I have never seen a house like this ever in my life or been to events like this it's hard to process and explain". "Now I see why Hashirama has a likening to you your different from the others y/n" he gazes at you.

My new life Madara X Reader matureWhere stories live. Discover now