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Getting out of the car you threw up "y/n are you okay" Obito said holding you? "Don't touch me" you said giving him a disgusted look. "Okay okay", he said backing away they took you inside everything was black and cherry red. You felt so weak feeling like you were about to collapse. They led you upstairs there he was sitting on a chair facing a window "boss, she's here". You started shaking like never before. When he turned his eyes met yours they were locked on you not looking away for a second. "Y/n" he mumbled he got up walking towards you. "Leave" he snapped to the Uchihas they hurried out. He came close to you "I'm sorry" he whispers. You had a blank look with your eyes filling with tears. "I missed you so much I had the Uchihas working day and night looking for you". "That morning when I read your note I felt like my heart was being torn apart". "I will never do anything like that ever again to you i never want to see you cry like that". "I need to take a seat... what are you going to do to me" you said looking at him? "I want to fix things he said massaging your hand on his knee...
"You know I missed you to Madara you said crying but you hurt me and its going to take time for me to forgive you". "I know" he said looking down "I feel guilt every day". You grabbed his hand and placed it on your stomach and took a deep breath.

"Y/n wha-" "I'm pregnant".

Madara was stun he looked down to your stomach "my child is in there". "Mm-hm" you said nodding with a small smile. "Marry me" he said getting on both knees with his hand still on your stomach "I want us to be a family". You grabbed his face Madara... you started kissing him "yes" you said into his mouth with tears falling. "Where going to be a family" he said smiling. All your fear went away after you seen how broken Madara was without you. "How long have you been pregnant" he asked with suspense. "About to be two months" you said holding his hand. He placed his head on your stomach "I feel ashamed for what I did to you i was just a jealous fool" he said closing his eyes. "Hey, you picked up his head that was in the past let's not ever think about that again I forgive you".

He smiled and gave you a soft kiss on your lips. You started yawning feeling sleepy Madara picked you up and carried you in his arm. Where are we going you said putting your arms around his neck? "You look tired you need rest, my love". He laid you down and tucked you in Madara then got on the bed and started spooning you placing his arms around you. The both of you started dozing off.
I love you
I love you to

Five months later
You were taking a shower "Ugh, my back hurts" you said letting the water hit your face. You felt two hands from behind you slide onto your belly. "Madara, you scared me" you said turning around. "Sorry sweetie I thought we could shower together". "Hmm alright", you said turning back around. "Mmm, they got bigger" Madara said with his hands on your boobs playing with your nipples. "Well, they're filled with milk now honey my back hurts please don't mess with me" you said taking his hands off. Madara grunted " need help taking a shower" he asked. "Yes, can you get scrub the front of my legs I can't reach them". Madara got down then started scrubbing you and got an idea. While scrubbing you he started playing with you by slipping his fingers in "M-Madara" you moan out his name. He went faster you grabbed on to his mane of hair. "It feels so good" you cried out Madara took his fingers out. "Look at you" he said licking both his fingers. You stared blushing "mmm let's just finish this shower" you said turning around. Madara smirked alright when you were finished getting dressed you heard Madara moaning in the restroom. You took a peek inside and he was rubbing his cock saying your name. You stayed watching him it turned you on. He looked up and saw you watching him his eyes turned red. "I can see you my little perv" he said with a smile. You backed away trying to get out of the room. Madara came out with his throbbing boner sticking out "Y/n" he said. "Yes", you said making it seem like nothing happened. "Can we do it" he said walking up to you "we haven't done it in a while"? Your heart started racing "I want it bad too but you're too big what if you poke the baby". He started kissing your neck and rubbing your back. "Kiss me more Madara" you said laying down at the edge of the bed taking off your clothes. Madara started kissing your chest to your nipples you let out soft moans. Madara started kissing your belly "your so beautiful" he told you like running his hands on your legs. "How can you think that look at me" you said laying there with a sad face. "The only reason I haven't wanting to do it in a while is because-". "What are you talking about" he said cutting you off "my feeling for you only grow". "Never think that I think your even sexier your so plump it turns me on... look at me" he got up and you saw his cock bigger than usual oozing out cum. "M-Madara" you started laughing "I love you so much but do you...have a secret thing for pregnant ladies". He started blushing a little "so what if I do" he said crossing his arms looking away. "Come here and do me already" you said spreading your legs. Madara put it in you slowly "how does this feel" he asked stopping. "Madara" you started kissing "him don't stop" you moan out. He trusted in and out this feels amazing he moaned you're so warm inside you both came at the same time. "That was was so good" you said laying on your side looking into Madara's eyes he kissed you and got up. "Where are you going" you asked with your hand reaching out? He pulled up a chair to the front of the bed and sat on it. "Huh what are you doing" you said sitting up. He took off his towel revealing his massive boner. "Madara, you're still hard" you said looking at it. "I didn't want you to overdo it so you can watch me my little perv". Your face turned red with embarrassment. "Start rubbing your muscles" you said looking back up with a smile.

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