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Madara took you to his car and told you he would be right back. You seen him talking to Hashirama he was explaining what happened to your car. Hashirama came running up to your window. "Hey y/n it's no big deal everything is going to be okay". Madara got in the car. "Okay, now you kids try not to get too crazy with each other" winking at Madara. "Huh", you said looking at Hashirama. "Quiet you" he scolded Hashirama. "Bye", you told him he waved back with a depressed face.

The car ride with Madara was quiet you felt quite awkward. Dozing off you woke up to Madara carrying you "huh wait where am I" you said picking up your head still half asleep. "Shhh" he laid you on a black silk bed. He rubbed your head putting you back to sleep.

The next morning you woke up to the sound of thunder "uhh what time is it" you checked your phone it was around nine am. "Where am I" you said jumping out of bed? Oh yeah, I remember all the memories from last night came flooding in. "THIS IS MADARAS BED"!!

You walked out of the room wow this is a penthouse you looked outside the window were pretty high up "jezz this is a terrible storm going on. Uh, where's Madara" you question. You walk around looking for him and you see an open door. You hear Madara grunting and pause... Ahh, what if he's doing something I don't wanna see you said with shivers coming down your back. You knock on the door "uh hello". "Yes" he says grunting you walk up and see Madara working out relief came to you. "Your finally up" he says walking up to you with no shirt on. Your face turns red you can see his huge chest with sweat dripping down from it. "I have good news and bad news" he said getting closer. "Yes, what's the bad news" you asked first. "Well, there is a terrible storm going on and all the roads are closed so I can't take you home until tomorrow if the storm clears by then which I doubt" Madara said wiping his face you could feel the heat coming off him. Your chest sank in the thought of you and only Madara trapped in a house alone. "And the good news"? "Oh, I made breakfast come and eat". "M-Madara" you said poking him "can I use your shower please I'm all dirty". "Yes of course" he said taking you to the bathroom "ill leave some clothes and a towel outside your door" he said in such a deep voice. "Thank you" you said stepping into the bathroom.

What he hell is happening is this real I'm alone with the Madara Uchiha and hes being so kind to me you were freaking out lost in thought. 
About fifteen minutes later you stepped out feeling refreshed. "Huh", a note was left on top of the towel and clothes. Reading it said All I have is only my clothes so make the best of this. You dried yourself off and slipped on the clothes they were way oversized exposing a lot of your body your chest mainly.

You stepped out of the room and made yourself to the kitchen. "Hey Madara the clothes were just a tad off on size" you laughed. Madara choking on his food as soon as he saw you. "Ahh, here" you ran getting water for him. "Are you okay" you asked rubbing his back. He grabbed your hand holding it "yes I was just a little surprised now go eat your food". Frozen you gulped "yes", you said taking your seat across from him. You ate your food and reached over the table to grab some water. But forgetting your clothes was so lose your boob slipped out of the shirt. Madara's eyes widen in shock not saying a word. "I'm so sorry you said crossing your arms in an instant". You were so embarrassed you got up and went to the room. "Hey, it's okay" he yelled I didn't even see anything. You laid down curled up in a ball with cheeks red as ever.

Madaras POV
This girl is something else she turns me on with everything she does I was about to ravage her when she came to rub my back to make sure I was okay. Her touch feels so good I want more of it.
Madara knocked on the open door "hey". "I'm sorry I don't want to talk right now". "Why is that" he said walking in the room? "I'm too embarrassed to look at you I exposed myself to you, not just anyone the Madara Uchiha" you said looking at the rain from a giant window. Madara came up to you and touched your shoulder. He started to kiss your neck with passion you turned around giving him a scared look "what are you doing" you said in a weak voice. He apologized then backed away "I'll let you be" he said walking out the room. Your whole back felt hot and a tingle between your legs. Is this what it feels like to be turned on you thought to yourself. This was a whole new feeling. Being touched like that you wanted more deep down inside. Am I starting to have feelings...

An hour passed the rain was getting worse. You got bored and wanted to walk around, you made your way to the living room and turned on the TV. You watched some of the weather channel for a bit then turned to a scary movie. You saw Madara walk by he came up from behind you. "Watching a scary movie huh" he said into your ear you got chills. "You wanna sit down with me" you told him patting the cushion next to you. He hopped over the couch and landed right next to you. While you two were watching the movie Madara had fallen asleep with his head falling on your lap. His huge mane of black hair was all over you. His body heat felt so good on you. You got a little curious and started to sniff Madara hair. "Mmm, you smell so good" accidentally saying it out loud. You placed both your hands on your mouth shutting yourself up. Madara turned his head on your lap. "I smell good huh". You started heavy breathing. "You just looked so peaceful on my lap" you said blushing.
A loud thunderclap hit and the lights went out. You jumped then hugged hugged him. Your heart was racing from being in Madaras huge arms. It was dull in the living room. Madara picked you up. Please put me down you said trying to hold the loose clothes. Madara took you to his room and set you on his bed. "Why did you bring me here"? Madara took off his shirt not saying a word. You looked down trying not to stare at him.
"y/n" he said in his deep voice.
"Mmm yes", you said looking down messing with your fingers. "There's something about you that just turns me on" he said in such a smug voice.

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