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You woke up to Madara still sleeping you ran your fingers through his hair. He turned his head "what are you doing up so early". "It's a beautiful morning" you said looking at Madara. Madara had blushed a little quickly burrowing his face into the pillow. You chuckle taking the covers off. I forgot I'm naked oh wait Madara has seen me naked already so it's no big deal right... Unless I make it weird meh whatever. You got up and fell on your face. "Dammit", you say rubbing your head. "What happened" Madara said with a grin. "Hmmm, my legs don't want to work and my body hurts". Madara got up from the bed to pick you up. "Now, what did I tell you"? "I said you weren't going to be walking for days" he said into your ear. Those words gave you chills please be gentle with me you started kissing his neck. Madara's heart started racing he set you back on the bed and pinned you down while sucking on your nipples. Ack stop in need to pee your said laughing.

Madara made out with you all morning and you took a shower after and got dressed. "Come eat" he yelled. "Coming" you said sitting down at the table. "You know I can cook" to you said looking up at him. "I'll always cook for you" he said patting your head placing the plate in front of you. "Hmm, I'll just have to start beating him to the kitchen hmm yes yes" you grinned. "Thank you for the food"! "Man, I should start bringing extra clothes when I come here from now on" you jokingly said. "Or you can just bring all of your clothes here" he said looking down. "Huh, all my clothes like move in" you question. "Why not this penthouse I rarely use you can live here for me". "Madara you know I can't do that you already got me a car I have to get things on my own". He pulled out a key card and slid it across the glass table to you. "Keep it so you have easy access to visit". "Mm, alright" you said blushing. You finished your food "hey Madara I'm in the mood for sausage with my breakfast". "Sorry, my little perv I don't have any but ill go order some yes". "Hmmm, you sure" you crawled under the table to Madaras lap. "I think I found some" you said looking up. Madara looked down with a grin "your something else" he said sticking his fingers in your mouth. You unzipped his pants and his huge dick sprigged out. "I have never done this but I always wanted to try" you said in a shy voice. "Suck on it for me like you just sucked my fingers". You sucked and licked for a while then Madara came into your mouth. "Drink it" he said looking down at you. You had a mouthful of cum it was leaking to your chin. You did a big gulp "it's so thick" you said looking up. Madara used his thumb and swiped off the extra cum on your chin. "Did you like it he said out of breath". "It's okay you said never thought so much could come out" you said drinking water. Madara came from behind you a wrapped his big arms around you while kissing you. "Hey umm, can I ask you something" you turned around keeping his arms still on you. "What is it he said rubbing your back"? "Are we dating" you hesitate to ask? "Can I be your boyfriend" he asks? "Yes", you say kissing him. "Now we are dating" he said smiling. "Hey now that you mention I had set us up a reservation to a restaurant last weekend for this Thursday". "I can't wait you said hugging him tighter him. "I must be going I have to take care of some business ill be back for you later" he said winking. "Um Madara can you take me home, please". "You don't want to stay the night" he asked with a frown. "I do it's just that I to need to handle something at home". "I see he said let's go" "I'll drop you off" he said in a disappointed tone.
Madara pulled into your house. "Who's that woman outside on your porch" he asked looking at you. You paused "um that's my mom" you said embarrassed. "I look just like her". "Mmm-hmm" you said with a blank stare. "Well thank you for the ride see you on Thursday" you said kissing him. "What's wrong" he stopped you. "It's nothing" you said trying to open the door he grabbed your hand "tell me". "I just didn't want you to find out I was still living with my mom at this age". "I wanted to save up enough money with my new job to find me a nice apartment" you explained. "It's alright" he said rubbing your head "ill see you Thursday" then he gave you a kiss. "But of course, you can always spend the night with me". You smile and held up the card he gave you while getting out of the car "bye".
"Who's that" your mom asked? "Well umm, it's my boyfriend" you said blushing. Your mom's face lit up with joy. "You finally got you a boyfriend" she said hugging you. "So what's his name" she elbows you. "Yeah mom we need to talk first". "Okay, she said take a seat". 'How do you know Mr.Senju mom"?
"Ha did he talk about me" she laughed. "Yeah, he just said you were good friends and that's it". "Well, It's a long story but I was friends with his mother and I use to babysit him when I was pregnant with you". "How old was he"? "Oh, he was just around four". "But when I recently ran into him we talked". "He told me about his car dealership and that's when I asked if he was hiring and recommend you". "How's the job so far"? "Oh, it's great.." you uncomfortably laughed it off. "Alright, enough about that what did we need to talk about sweetie". "Well mom I was thinking of moving out I feel like it's time..." you said fidgeting with your nails. "If you ready to live on your own go for it" she placed her warm hand on your leg. "Well, not exactly mom" you said feeling yourself get nervous. "Huh, what are you talking about who are you moving in with"? "My boyfriend", you said looking down. "I understand how long have you two been dating". You were prepared to be judged.
Your mom had a blank face. "I can't control your life anymore you're going to be twenty in less than a month are you happy"? "Yes, mom I am I really am" you said blushing. "Can I know his name" she said hugging you. You felt your heart racing "I-its..."
"Spit it out" she said annoyed. "Madara Uchiha".

Your mom's eyes widen in terror. 'That was just him right now". You nodded your head. "Do you know who he is... what he does" she said in an angry tone. "Yes mom I-" "is he forcing you to move in with him tell me now" she said cutting you off. "No mom he loves me very much and I do the same he's not what the say about him". Your mom got up and went inside-

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