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It was your date night you were getting ready. You recently bought yourself a new outfit. It was a dark blue dress with some heels that matched. You styled your hair to look wavy. Your palms were sweaty from being nervous since it was your first date ever. Madara had texted you that he would pick you up instead of meeting there. You walked out of your room and your mom told you that you looked beautiful. You and her talked things out and settled things. A strong knock hit your door three times it startled you. I told him to text me when he's here why did he come to my front door you thought to yourself confused. When you opened it  with Madara stood there in his suit and a large mane of hair greeted you. "Are you ready to go" he asked with a grin. "Yes, you said walking out closing the door. "Bye mom" her eyes widen in shock she told you bye in a low voice.

When you two reached the restaurant Madara opened your door and held out his hand. "You look stunning" he said while you took his hand. The restaurant was so luxurious inside and had a five-star hotel on top of it. You felt like you were dreaming. "Madara this place is beautiful" you said grabbing onto his arm he smiled and kissed you. A waiter came up to Madara "your table is ready sir". The waiter led you two to the back where VIP was at it was quieter back there. When you sat down you were nervous. "Why are you so tense" he asked rubbing your hand? "This is my first date" you said blushing looking down. "How is it that you stayed single for so long" Madara said admiring you? "I don't know no one ever has had an interest in me" you said looking back down. "Tonight I'll show you how interested I am in you" he said with a sexy voice. "Haaa- i woud like that very much" your heart started racing. "Are we ready to order" the waiter came back with a notepad? "Umm-" you look at Madara "could you order for me I don't really know what I want" you said in a shy voice. Madara winked at you "for the young lady will have the steak with red wine and ill have the same".
"Thank you, Madara..."

You and Madara ate and talked all night. You got to know him more and fell more in love with him. "Was it good" he asked? "Yes it was very delicious I'm so full you said holding your stomach". He chuckled good "come on" he said taking your waist. "Wait where are we going the exist it over there" you said pointing. "This is merely the first half of the date" he said taking you into an elevator. "What do you mean Madara"? "I got us a room for the night" he said looking away. "Madara, i-i" you said with your face turning red. "Yes, what is it" he said concerned looking down at you. Your body was getting hot "I-i want you to give me your all tonight" you said shyly tugging on his sleeve." Madara's eyes widen already getting a boner. When the elevator stopped Madara picked you up and put you on his shoulder. "Ack Madara I can walk on my own" he paced down the hall to the room door. When he got into the room with you he threw you on the bed while undressing himself. "Tonight you're using all your holes" he said with his red eyes locked on you. "M-Madara-" "I only had to go easy on you last time only because you were a little virgin". You slipped off your dress and heels "please Madara im leaking out I-". Madara used his tie to wrap it around your hands locking them together. "Look at my little perv she can't even contain her self" he said kissing your nipples "I can feel your heart pumping fast your excited huh". Madara started rubbing his cock while getting on top of you. "Get ready for a long night" he whispers in your ear giving you goosebumps. He started fingering you even his fingers feel so huge in me you said to yourself. You start moaning while blushing "I love how you get so flustered around me it turns me on every time" he said licking your neck then biting it. You had no words all you could do was let out moans of pleasure. "Look at yourself" he said licking his fingers that were dripping with your juice. Madara without hesitation shoved it in you leaving you screaming he thrusts faster and faster. "Madara this feels amazing" you said with your hands tied up wrapped around his neck. The rest of the night you and Madara had rough lovemaking all night.

You laid there out of breath "Madara I think I'm going to pass out". When you looked down you saw that Madara still had a boner sitting there watching you catch your breath. "You asked me to give you my all do you not remember that" he said laughing. "How many times did I make you cum" he said untying your hands. "So many I lost count" you said heavy breathing. "How many did you"? "Four" he said grinning "you know I told you that you were using all your holes tonight" he said placing his hand on his cheek. "But you did" you said picking your head up confused. "Ahh ah ah" he said coming closer to you. "You haven't used this one yet" he said sticking his fingers in your mouth. "You must be thirsty" he said sitting you back up. "Mmm- if I would have known you had this much in you I would have said for you to take it slow instead". He chuckles and pets your head giving you a soft kiss on your lips. "If you're not up to it you wanna watch me" he said rubbing his cock. You get more closer to him then push his hand away and start sucking his dick. "Mmm, your so good my little perv" he said rubbing your back. He let out soft moans you started to suck faster and used your hands as well. He cummed in your mouth you drank it all leaving tears running down your cheeks. There's so much and it's so warm you said licking the rest off his balls. "Good girl" he said laying you back down. You passed out cold from everything. "I love you my little perv" he cleaned you up and tucked you in.

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