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Where are we you told me to get ready and brought me here. He grinned you'll see. Huh, you said even more confused. You both walked up to the building. It looks closed you said scanning the building. Madara opened the doors and pointed to go in. What is this I can't see anything? The lights flashed on

You gasped putting your hands to your mouth. Happy Birthday, Madara said into your ear rubbing your back. Hashirama popped out of the crowd waving. "So what do you think" he said walking up to you "Thank you so much for all this". "Oh ho don't thank me" he said looking at Madara. You turned around to Madara." You did all this you said looking into his eyes. "Yes I want you to feel special tonight" he whispers into your ear. "We rented out this club for the night" Hashiaram told you.

After some time you got a chance to meet and chat with everyone. Obito pulled you aside for a minute. "Uh hey, y/n happy birthday I got this for you" he said handing you a box. "Aww, thank you much Obito" you said opening the box. When you opened it it was a gold bracelet. Your eyes sparked "O-Obito this is so beautiful thank you" giving him a tight hug. "Your welcome he said giving you a light kiss on your cheek enjoy it" he said walking away ack he such a sweetheart.

You were about to go look for Madara and show him what Obito got you but then you accidentally ran into someone bumping your head. "I'm sorry" you said trying to refocus your eyes. It was a tall man with white hair wearing a blue suit. "My apologies I wasn't looking where I was going" he took a good look at you. "You're the birthday girl isn't that right". "Uh yes", you noticed that he spilled his drink all over himself. "Ahh uh please come with me there are napkins at the bar".

I'm so sorry again you said trying to help him dry up. "It's fine I should have noticed such a beautiful woman coming my way" he said admiring you with a smirk. You blush a little "there I think you're dried up" "Thank you y/n". "Your welcome uhh sorry I never got your name sir". "Tobiramam Senju" he said reaching out his hand. "Wait your Hashiramas brother" you said surprised. "How come this is my first time I'm meeting you"? "Mmm well, I don't really like coming to elder brother's parties but today he wouldn't stop bothering me about this one". "Oh, I see well it's nice to meet you, Mr.Senju-". "Just Tobirama is fine" he said winking at you. "Well Tobirama I'm sorry my first impression on you was me being clumsy" you said looking down embarrassed. "No need to apologize" he said picking up your chin. "Would you like a drink with me" he asked. You didn't want to drink much but you felt like you didn't have a choice. "Sure one drink couldn't hurt". You and Tobirama had a drink and talked a little more. "Y/n what are you doing after your party" he said touching your hand. "W-well I'm-". He came close to your ear "I didn't get you a present but I could give you one tonight" he said pulling you closer. You suddenly felt a huge hand grab your arm yanking you away. "What's the meaning of this" a loud deep voice announced? "M-Madara it's not what it looks like" you said with a frightening voice Tobirama saw your face. "Madara what are you doing here" he said with an annoyed tone. Your heart was racing you didn't know what to do. "Madara was holding onto your arm with a tight grip it hurt a lot but you didn't want to say anything knowing he wouldn't believe you. "Never lay a hand on my woman" he said with red eyes. "I didn't know she was your woman she never mentioned you" he said with a smug look "that's enough" Hashirama yelled. "This is y/n special day now everyone calm down" he said looking at Madara. The room was silent you were shaking from Madara's blood lust all your feeling came back from the first time you met him. "Now everyone continue on with the party I apologize y/n" Hashirama announced pulling Tobirama to the side. After a minute everyone went back to what they were doing. "M-Madara you're hurting me you said grabbing the hand that was still gripping to your arm. He pulled you and took you to a long empty hallway where the restrooms were at. "How dare you flirt with that man" he said slamming you to the wall. You started crying "it was nothing like that I was going to tell him to stop I didn't know he had those intentions" you said shaking. Madara grunted and pulled you into the woman's restroom and took you into the stall. "Your mine" he said lifting your dress "Madara, yes I'm yours and always will be I'm sorry" you said with tears falling from your face. "You don't think I saw him touching your hand you didn't even hesitate to pull away" he said taking off his belt and pulling his pants down. "Madara please your scaring and hurting me I already told you it was nothing I thought he was just friendly". Madara didn't say a word he pulled his cock out and stuck it in you. You let out a screaming moan of pain not ready for that. He picked you up and bounced you up and down. "I believe you but I'm going to make sure you know your place" he thrusts faster. You let out moans with tears falling down your face. "Stop Madara I can't take it anymore it's too deep. Madara looked into your eyes "I'm sorry" you said in a weak voice crying. He leaned you, agents, the wall, and wiped off your tears. You gave him soft kisses on his lips so he could calm down "I would never hurt you". "You needed to be punished" he said kissing your neck. "Please let me make it up to you Madara" he placed you down while kissing you. You got on your knees and kissed the tip of his dick "I would never do anything to betray you because I love you" you said looking up with your eyes still watery from the pain. He placed his hand on your face "I love you too" you started sucking his cock. He came in your mouth and you drank it all. "I'm sorry he said pulling you back up I just never want to lose you y/n". "Can we just go back to my party" you said looking down? He took your hand and went back to the party.

You felt sick for the rest of the night you just wanted to run away there was so much pain with every step you took. "Hey, what's wrong y/n" Sasuke asked? "Oh hey, nothing's wrong why do you ask"? "Oh, it's just that you look uncomfortable all of the sudden". "You're crazy you joked I'm having a good time". "Okay, he said well see you" he said walking away. Hashirama came up to you "hey y/n sorry about my brother he left a while ago". "I was looking for you where we're you". "Me and Madara we're just talking" you said with a fake smile. "Oh, I see he can be a little crazy sometimes" he whispered. You wanted to break out crying but you held yourself together. "Yeah, he can be sometimes but I calmed him down". "That's good...well it's time". "Huh for what" you question? "Your candles" he's said with a big smile.

Everyone sang happy birthday to you. And after about two hours the party was over you said bye to everyone. And Madara took you to the penthouse. During the car ride, your heart was racing all you wanted to do was just run away. When you two went inside he started kissing the back of your neck. You felt terrified reimagining everything. "Madara can we just go to sleep I had a long night" you said walking to the room. Madara grunted "please" he said creeping behind you messaging your back. "Are you mad at me" he questioned?...
"I'm afraid of you Madara I'm terrified" you yelled at him shoving his hands away. "I just want to sleep please can you let me do that". Madara moved back "forgive me y/n I acted without thinking I love you."

"Goodnight Madara..."

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