Big day

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You and Madara have been dating for almost a month now. Everything was going well with your job and your love life. You were at work serving drinks to customers. "Hey Itachi, Obito you guys want a drink". "No thank you y/n I'm fine" Itachi said. "Oh yes please" Obito said. "Alright bye guys" you said waving. Madara had sent them to keep watch over you at work for your safety. Mito pulled you aside "my husband needs to see you". "Yes ma'am" you made your way to his office.

You knocked three times "come in" Hashirama said in a cheerful voice. You came in and took a seat you needed to see me, sir.
"So looks like my best friend has himself a girlfriend huh". "He finally told you" you said laughing. "He sure did" Hasirama said standing up. "I'm so happy for you two" he said hugging you blushing. "Umm, thank you, sir" trying to breathe. A picture caught his eye "sir I didn't know you had two kids". Huh, he said letting go looking confused. "Ohh haha, those aren't my children that's me and Madara back when we first met". "Wow, that's how long you and Madara been friends that's so cute" you said grabbing the picture examining it. "Ahh yes, we were only twelve in that picture we met one day skipping stones at a river". "Has Madara never told you" he questioned. "No, I don't know much about his childhood he never opened up about it". "Ahh, I see well I'm glad my friend has found himself a beautiful woman to be with" he said blushing. "Thank you sir oh here" you said pulling out a wad of money. "I sold all of my bags today" you said placing it on his desk. "Keep it" he said sliding it back to you. "But sir this is a lot of money I can't take all of this, please". "It's fine ill just add it to your next paycheck". 'Sir please I don't want special treatment based on who I'm dating". "It's not that y/n I just have a soft spot for you". "Hey wait a second isn't your birthday thisss-" Hashirama pulled out a calendar. "Ah I see it's this Friday" he said pointing to the day. "Y-you have my birthday marked down". "Yup,' he gave you a big smile. "T-that's so sweet" you said with a tear of joy falling from your cheek.
Mito came in knocking "honey-" she saw the tear falling from your cheek. "Hashirama" she said angrily "what did you do to poor y/n". "Honey, it's nothing like that" he said getting up to hug her. "Remember we were talking about y/ns birthday coming up". 'Oh yes, yes" she said holding her hands together smiling. "Y-you to Mrs.Senju you also remembered'!

That night when you got home from work. You got a message from Madara huh, he sent me a video you opened his message. Your eyes widen Madara sent you a video of him masturbating and cumming at the end. At the bottom, it said for my little perv get over here if you want more. You turned pink then got in your car.

A week has passed it was your birthday you celebrated birthday breakfast with your mom. You heard a knock at the door it was Obito. "Hey Obito, what brings you here". "Well, I was told to pick you up birthday girl". Ahh, he so precious you said to yourself. "Okay, let me get changed I'll be right out" ." Okey", he said waving.

Obito took you to the penthouse. When you opened the door there were presents all over the floor Madara held roses in his hand. "Madara", you said with joy. "Happy birthday" he said kissing you. "Thank you but you didn't have to do all this". "Here open this one" he handed you a small box from his pocket when you opened it you had no words. "M-Madara it's beautiful" you said taking out the Diamond necklace "I had it custom-made for you" he set the box down from your hands. "Huh"? "Y/n" he said grabbing your hands "I want you to move in with me I want to be by your side all the time from now on". He said looking down at you with a sad look like he was ready for rejection you smile "Madara". "Why are you smiling" he said confused? "I was going to surprise you and tell you that I was ready to move in with you one of these days'. "Really" he said surprised. "Yes", you said taking off his shirt kissing his chest. "Someone's in the mood huh" he said taking off your clothes. You pushed him on the couch and jumped on him. "This time I'm going to be on top" you said into his ear. You and Madara went on for two rounds.

After you two were finished you opened all your presents. "So when were you planning to tell me you were moving in" Madara asked. "I was actually planning on to tonight". "I'm glad you finally came around" he said kissing your neck. "Ackkk stawppp" you said pushing his face away. "One more round" he said pinning you down on the floor "im not taking no for an answer". "I have to take a shower" you said trying to slip away. "Let's go take one' he said in an evil voice. "Madara, I can barely feel my feet we can do more tonight". Madara carried you to the shower and you can say you took a good long shower.

When night came you put on a silk golden dress with hells that matched with your diamond necklace. Then you did your makeup and hair. When you stepped out Madara was amazed by you. "How did I get so lucky" Madara said looking into your eyes. "You look so handsome" you said placing your hand on his cheek. "You ready to go my little perv" he said. "Yes", you said taking his hand.

My new life Madara X Reader matureWhere stories live. Discover now