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You were about to be nine months pregnant. Your baby boy was going to be here in a couple of weeks for a scheduled birth. You were ready to have the baby.

You woke up to Madara rubbing your belly "you're so cute" you said waking up. "Honey I felt a kick"! Madara was happier than ever you see a sparkle in his eyes. "Yup, he's been doing that a lot a night now" you said touching his face. "I have to be going soon" he said kissing your forehead. "Do you have to" you said with a sad face. "I'm sorry my love me and Hashirama need to handle some things with client's" he said getting up. "Okay, be safe please" you said getting ready for the day. "Obito will be here so if you need anything ask him okay I'll be leaving now". "Madara wait" you said walking towards him. "Hmm"?

"I'll be waiting for you" whispering in his ear reaching your hand down his pants kissing him. "Mmm y/n wait till I get home tonight" he said rubbing your body and kissing your neck leaving you a hickey. "Madara" you gasped touching your neck get going your going to be late you said smiling.

A couple of hours later you and Obito went to a restaurant to have lunch. "How you feeling y/n" he said with a smile. "I've been okay just ready to have this baby" you said chuckling. "So anything new with you Obito"? "Well, I recently started dating this girl" he said blushing. "Obito I'm so happy for you"!!! "So what's her name" you asked with a smoochy face. He chuckled "Rin we have been knowing each other since we were kids but now we're more than friends" he said proudly. "You'll meet her he said she will be my plus one for your wedding day". "Ooo I can't wait to meet the lucky girl". "What's that noise" he said concerned looking around? "What are you talking about Obito I don't hear anything"? "Yeah look shhh it sounds like water being poured onto the floor". "Water-" you look down and see your dress soaked from the bottom. "OBITO" you yell in panic. He jumped up what is it he seen you look down. "My water broke" you said gripping onto the table. "Y/n we have to get you to the hospital" he said holding you. He got you into the car and took you to the hospital on the car ride you moaned in pain. When you got there they took you in and set you up in a room. It's finally happening you said to yourself. Obito held your hand you told him not to leave your side. "I called Madara he said he's on his way" Obito said rubbing your hand. "Thank you for everything Obito you have always been there for me". The rest of the Uchihas came in are you alright they asked concerned. You scream in pain squeezing Obitos hand hard. "Can one of you call my mom" you said out of breath. "I'm on it" Izuna said leaving the room. "Is something happening to the baby" Sasuke asked? "No no, it's just contractions" you said trying to catch your breath. "Itachi started dabbing your head with a wet towel Madara is almost here" he said in a soothing voice. "Thank you everyone" you said laying your head down. The door swung open it was Madara "your here honey"! "Are you alright" he said kissing you. "Yes honey" you said holding onto his hand too. "Thank you Obito and thank you" he said looking to the other Uchihas they left the room. "I'm going to be a father" he said placing his head on your hand." And I'm going to be a Mother" Izuna came in what happened brother Madara questions. "I'm sorry y/n your mom is on a trip and won't be back until tomorrow night she said she's trying to hurry back". Madara looked at you and saw that you were unhappy. "Thank you brother" Madara said. "I'm here for you" Madara said comforting you. You screamed in pain "I think the baby's coming..."

Seven hours later
Your baby boy was finally born you were exhausted and sweating.
Once you held him you loved him even more. "My beautiful baby boy Tobi" Madara said with an innocent smile. "I love you so much" he said kissing your cheek "I love you to Madara".

Hashirama came to visit congratulating his best friend. "I cant believe it Madara you have a family now". "Me neither Hashirama I never thought I would end up being this happy. Madara laid his arm around Hashirama taking a deep breath admiring you from outside the room. Hashirama blushed and hugged Madara. "That's enough Hashirama your getting to touchy". "I'm just to happy for you Madara" "W-well make it quick" Madara blushed...

That night you two fell asleep holding each other on the hospital bed while Tobi was asleep in his crib. The next day you and Madara went home "this is your new home Tobi" you said to him. Madara hugged the both of you. "Honey, you should rest he said I'll carry Tobi, for now" he said rubbing your head. "Okay but wake me up when he starts crying".
The first couple of months were hard for you and Madara you two had to learn a lot. After the baby was born you and Madara finally got Married. You wanted a small wedding nothing to big and Madara was okay with that. During the wedding you and Madara snuck to a back room to do a quickie. "Hurry honey" you said pulling his hand. They will be looking for us he chuckles smacking your ass. But when you opened the door the both of you froze. Sasuke and a blond boy where naked making out. All four of you gasped "BOSS" Sasuke screeched. "Well leave you two alone" Madara said closing the door. The both of you broke out laughing walking back.

"Madara look he's trying to crawl" you said pointing. He quickly got up trying to encourage him to crawl. You gaze at Madara he notices. "Hmm" he said looking at you. "You know we haven't had alone time in a while" you said messing with his hair. He covered the baby's ears and gasped. "Haha", you blushed "Obito and Rin could watch him tonight I'll call them" Madara quickly ran to his phone.

"Thanks a lot, guys" you said to Obito and Rin. "It's no problem you two deserve a night to your selves" Rin said carrying baby Tobi. "Call us if anything" Madara said placing his hands on your shoulders. "Well we should tell you guys" "Huh" you and Madara both said. "Rin is pregnant" Obito said blushing. You and Madara look at each other and smile "congratulations" you said hugging the both of them. "Yeah, now Tobi can have someone to play with" Obito said. "Alright bye guys Obito and Rin waved off

"Bye please take care" Ahh I miss him already.
"Were alone now" you said kissing Madara. "We are" he said picking you up. Madara took you to the bedroom and started undressing you. Your breast got bigger he said messing with your nipples. "Madara, I'm too sensitive there now milk will come out" you said moaning. He started sucking on them "Madara what are you doing". "Getting a taste" he said wiping the milk off his chin. You got on your knees and started sucking I want a drink to you said looking up with a grin.

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