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When you woke up the next morning you took a shower and changed into some comfortable clothes Madara was still asleep. On the dresser, you set down the key card, the diamond necklace, and a note. You took some car keys from the key rack. When you got in the car you raced off with your heart beating fast. You went home and packed your clothes and all your savings telling your mom you were going on a trip for a while. You hurried to pack everything because you knew by the time Madara woke up he would be looking for you. You also texted Hashirama that you wouldn't be able to go in for a while. He said it was fine and to come back anytime. You went to Washington to start a new life. You had saved up about almost a hundred thousand dollars. After a week you applied for a small job as a waitress to have something to do. Then got a small apartment so you wouldn't spend all your money on something fancy.

One month later
One day while you were at work you felt dizzy passing out and woke up in the hospital. Hello?...
"Hi ma'am" a nurse walked in "Hello umm, what happened" you asked confused. "Well, it looks like you fainted at work". "Oh, I see is there something wrong with me"? "Well...there's nothing wrong with you but I do need to inform you about something". "Yes", you said sitting up "taking a look at your blood test you seem to be pregnant".

You were horrified your chest felt like it was sinking in you started crying. "Ma'am are you alright" she asked concerned. "Can I go" you asked shaking yes, she said "please sign this". When you got out the hospital you called one of your close coworker to drop you off to your car. When you got home you broke down crying again for an hour. What do I do you thought of calling your mom? No, I can't do that not right now. Madara why did I have to have your baby. You didn't want to even think about him with your new life. But now all the memories came flooding back the good and bad. In the beginning, you did think about him a lot but you were also scared of him finding you what he would do to you. That night you made an appointment to go see the OBGYN/doctor for pregnant woman a week from now.

A week later
When you went in you were tested to find out how many months you are. The doctor came in and told you information about your baby like what you need to take and eat. "So how many months am I, doctor"? "It looks like your about a month and two weeks". Your heart raced you felt like you knew when you got pregnant "Thank you..."
You decided to go see your mom to tell her the news. You changed up your look to not be noticed when you go to your home town. You dyed your hair and got it cut. You packed some clothes and got ready for the road trip. "You ready to go visit grandma" you said rubbing your belly.

Time skip
You arrived at your old house you hesitated to get off but you took a deep breath and knocked on the door... "Hi mom". Your mom broke out in tears she squeezed you tight. "Where have you been you never called I was so worried".
When you got inside you explained everything and told your mom you were pregnant. She comforted you and she promised you would help you out with everything.
"I'm going to take a nap all this stress is getting to me" you said walking to your old room. You laid there thinking about how all this started. Madara, you said sobbing while touching your stomach why do I miss you all of a sudden. You fell asleep from all the crying.
The next day you heard a knock at the door. You got scared you peeked through the window when you saw who it was you felt like you were about to pass out again. Izuna what the hell is he doing here. You went to your room to wait for the knocking to stop. After an hour you told your mom you were going back. When you got in your car you kept a lookout for any Uchihas. You drove away at full speed trying to get outta there as fast as you can. Just as when you were about to get out of town two SUVs came up side by side of your car. You started freaking out it was Izuna, Shisui and Itachi on the right of you and on the left were Obito and Sasuke. You started heavy breathing pressing the gas. But they were quick to speed up and break in front of you they made you punch your breaks. They surrounded you what the hell you started crying but quickly stopped yourself. "Y/n" Izuna yelled getting out of the SUV "we are not here to harm you". All of them got out "please we don't want to use force" Obito yelled. "Madara hasn't been the same he misses you y/n" Itachi said. They all circled you while you sat in your car with your head down presses on the wheel.
You knew this was it for you.
You finally been caught.

"Just go away" you cried out Obito came up to your door. "Y/n just come with us" he said opening the door. You sat there staring with a blank face. You got out the car thinking you could make a run for it but you just couldn't risk the baby. "Fine.." you decided to go so they wouldn't put their hands on you. You got in the car with Obito and Sasuke. The drive felt like forever all you could think about was the baby you held your tummy. When you arrived you noticed it wasn't the penthouse but a mansion.

My new life Madara X Reader matureWhere stories live. Discover now