Knowing you

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"We should head back inside sir I'm okay now". "Yes, you're right" he said reaching out his hand locking eyes with you. You were hesitant at first but placed your hand on top.

The two held hands walking back to the ballroom. You never held hands with a man before this was a weird feeling for you a good feeling. When you two stepped back in you could hear Hashirama calling out for Madara. "He can be so dame annoying sometimes" he said with a palm on his face. "Over here Hashirama" he waved. You started to chuckle at what Madara said. "Look at you starting to loosen up" he whispered in your ear. Hashirama turned around and his face lit up once he seen Madara. "Long time no see-" he  froze when he got closer. Huh, why was Hashirama staring at me like that? You had forgotten you were holding Madara's hand then looked down and quickly let go. Madara gave you a confused look.

Hashirama came up to the both of you "well well well I see you two met". You started to blush. "Yes, this was the y/n you were talking about no"? "Yes, indeed this is the one and only y/n". "So what happened to you guys I was looking for the both of you actually".
"Y/n was feeling overwhelmed so I took her for some fresh air". "This isn't like you Madara to care for someone" he said blushing. "QUIET HASHIRAMA" he said in an annoyed voice. Hashirama got sad "haaa you never change Madara". "You either still getting depressed I see". You broke out laughing hard. "Huh" they both turned to you.

"You two act like an old married couple- wait did I say that out loud I'm sorry how rude of me to say". "They both burst out laughing yes your right y/n". "She is a keeper" Madara told Hashirama. "Indeed she is" he said. You heart started racing getting a compliment from Madara.

"Hey y/n we need to go discuss some business if your still not feeling well you can take a break" Hashirama said. "No need sir I'll get back to work". "Good girl", he said walking away with Madara. Madara turned around and winked at you with a devilish smile". You turned bright red walking away to get drinks to handout. Wow that's not what I expected he's so-. Someone tapped your shoulder it was a beautiful lady she was wearing a red silk dress. "Oh hello did you need to refresh that ma'am?"

"No who the hell do you think you are" she said pushing you almost dropping the drinks you were holding. "Excuse me I'm sorry if I did anything wrong". "You stay away from Madara you little slut". "What are you talking about ma'am"? "You don't think the whole room saw you and Madara holding hands I don't know what you did to him but stay away I plan to make him mine" she said giving you a cold stare.

"Is there a problem" Mito laid her hand on your shoulder talking to the woman. "No problem here" she said walking away." What her deal" you mumble. "She obsessed with Madara for years but he will never give her a chance she only comes to events when Madara comes it's quite annoying. Anyways are you okay y/n" "yes I'm fine". "Okay, good ill let you be" Mito said walking away. Some time has passed about an hour you sold your last bag and fulfilling your goal for that night.

"Hello, can I get a refill" a man with a scruffy voice said. "Of course", you said handing him a fresh drink. "Ohh you're the beautiful woman that was holding the boss's hand". Turning red you shook your hand "It's nothing like that" you said in a shy voice.

Boss's is he another Uchiha you thought to yourself.

"You know none of us ever seen boss's soft side like that you must be special to him". "What do you mean he probably nice to every girl". "No, he's not actually". "Oh, I see" you said looking down. what makes me special.. "What's your name" you asked looking back up.

"Obito Uchiha" he said with a big smile. "Nice to meet you Obito". "Say you wanna meet the other Uchihas". "Sure" you said following Obito. I'm meeting all the Uchihas today you said freaking out in your head keep calm you told yourself.

You see a group of tall men in black hair. "Hey guys" Obito said making them turn "this is... umm I never got your name sorry" he whispers to you. "Oh, it's y/n" you whisper back. "Guys this the lovely stunning y/k".

Ack, he's a sweetheart you thought to yourself.

Their eyes lit up and crowded you

ahhh  wait what-

"Nice to meet you" they all said. They introduced themselves. "I'm Itachi, Sasuke, Shisui and I'm Izuna Madaras brother".
"Wow", you said mesmerized by them. "You all are so beautiful" they all looked down and blushed. "Ahh, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that". "I really need to stop blurting things out like that". "Thank you" they all said that the same time chuckling. You talked to the Uchihas they all like you. After another hour a lot of guests were leaving. All that was left were the Uchihas a some people. The party was over and Madara came back downstairs with Hashirama.

"Alright every one everyone should get going home now thank you for coming" Hashirama announced. You were getting ready to leave when you bumped into Madara "I'm sorry you said please excuses me". "Y/n wait" you froze "yes" you quickly turned around. "Put you number in here" he said handing you his phone. "Yes sir of course" you put your number in. "Call me Madara instead of sir" he said towering over you. "Yes Madara" looking up and locking eyes with him again. He stepped back "ehh I'll text you if I ever want you come to one of my parties...bye" he said walking away.

You walked out to your car and questioning yourself why did he want my number. Does the Madara Uchiha like me.

You started up your car huh. It didn't want to start up no you said to your self this is embarrassing. You felt a tear run down your face. What will they think of me. You spent the next twenty minutes trying to start your car. Hearing a knock on your door you jumped.

It was Madara noo please not right now you said in your head. You opened your door and stepped out. "You where supposed to head home a long time ago" he said crossing his arms. "My car broke down it won't start" you looked down trying to avoid eye contact. Madara pulled out his phone and made a phone call stepping away for a minute . He came back a "this will be taken care of". What are you saying sir i-i mean Madara". "Give me your address" he said giving you his phone. "Why did you need my address" you asked. "So I know where to ship your new car". "No please don't do this I'm fine I'll just try to fix this one by taking it to the mechanic". "I insist y/n" he said looking into your eyes. "Why are you being so nice to me" you said with tears falling down your face.

"Hey my house isn't to far from here it's already late by the time I take you to your house it will be about four am what do you say". "O-okay" you were feeling tired and just wanted to go to bed.

My new life Madara X Reader matureWhere stories live. Discover now