Chapter 2

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Will left to help with the ball soon after our conversation. The day wet by quickly, and most of the planning was finished. The guests would be staying until after the ball. It was almost five, which was dinner time. I heard the bell chime, quickly fixed my shaggy hair in the mirror, and made my way to the dining hall. I saw most of the guests already seated. There was one person missing though. Someone came rushing through the door, quickly straightening up. Everyone looked towards the blonde boy from before. 

"Uhm, hi. Sorry for uh.... being late." He blushed, rushing over to his seat on my right. 

"It's alright Prince William. Everyone may eat," My father addresses everyone. He looks at me, raising an eyebrow at the seating arrangement I made. He probably thought I would sit with Percy or Jason to my right, since the seat to my left was the seat I always left empty in honour of my late sister, Bianca. A servant came in to help us and let me tell you I was extremely happy that my father sent this particular servant. You see, about a month ago, two brothers, Travis and Connor Stoll, joined our castle. They're father is a king, but they decided they would rather be servants. Each year, they switch to a new castle. For a while now, I'd had a small crush on Connor. Of course I didn't ever tell anyone, but I think my father clued in. Connor waved at me. I smiled back. The two of us had become quite close friends. I saw Prince William frown in the corner of my eye. I went back to eating. When I was done, Connor took my plate, handing me a napkin. Usually when he gave me a napkin there was a note. Sure enough, there was a note. I excused myself to use the washroom. Once I got to my chambers, I opened the note.

Nico, meet in our spot at 12:05 am.Your schedule is clear then. -Connor

I folded the note, smiling. I shoved it into my little pouch with the other notes, locking it back into my safe. I check the time and it's almost 6:00. I rush back downstairs for desert, making it just in time. I wink at Connor, showing I got his note. 

"Nico, how've you been bro!" Jason's older sister, Thalia asks me from a few seats down.  My father sighs at the impoliteness, but I see hints of a smile. 

"I'm fine. How about you, Thals?" I reply, inhaling my cake. She laughs.

"Been lovely. Father says I can marry Reyna so we're all good." She shrugs. Reyna blushes from beside Thalia. 

"You didn't need to announce it like that," Reyna scolds her fiance. Thalia shrugs again, devouring her cake just as I did moments ago. Will snorts from beside me.

"What?" I ask.

"You look like a a wild animal, eating like that." He giggles. I blush lightly. Soon, everyone is done their desert and it's "get to know the guy you could marry" time. A.k.a me talking about myself to a bunch of people who already know me and a lot more people who don't.

"So, Nico, introduce yourself to your guests." My father prompts. I clear my throat.

"I'm Nico Di Angelo, Prince of Dream, as all of you know. Uh my favourite colour is black. I'm gay. I like listening to Fall out boy, MCR and P!ATD. I draw. That's about it," I say. 

"Alright then. Everyone is dismissed," My father says. Hazel and I stay behind, knowing he'll want to talk to us.

"Ah lovely, you stayed behind. Nico, the day after tomorrow you will spend some one on one time with the single Princes and Princesses, and yes I know you're marrying a man but you must still talk with the Princesses even if just to be friends. It's almost 7:30 now. You may leave. Goodnight." My father hugs each of us and we mumble our goodnight's. 

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