Chapter 3

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So it's 12:03am and I'm waiting for Connor to meet me. I already know he's going to be late, so I probably shouldn't have arrived early but who really cares? As I thought he would, he arrives four minutes later. 

"Hey!" He calls, waving for some reason. I resist the urge to laugh.

"Shhhh! Not so loud!" I whisper scold, still hold back my laughter. He sees my smile and replies with a smirk.

"We can't be here for more than 10 minutes. The guards will patrol here soon," He says. I nod.

"I have to talk to people tomorrow." He laughs at me when I sigh.

"It's not that bad. You're friends with almost everyone. Except the new hunky guy with blonde hair and blue eyes?" He raises an eyebrow, nudging me a little. I roll my eyes.

"So Jason? He's not new and he's got Piper. Also he's not very hunky." We both chuckle at that.

"Shut up you know who I'm talking about. King Apollo's kid or whatever." I detect a hint of something in his eyes. Anger? Jealousy? Does me?

"Hey are you and Travis participating in the masquerade?" I ask. Connor nods.

"Well Travis is obviously going with Katie. You'll also have to talk to me tomorrow." He winks and I snort.

"What was the point of this then?" I tilt my head. He shrugs.

"Just wanted to see how you were holding up." 

"Well I'm good. This could've been a lot worse, but I have my friends so it's all good." I make a rash decision and grab his hand. I see him blush lightly under the small lights over head and I'm sure I'm blushing too. We stood there in the dim light for a few minutes in silence. Connor cleared is throat.

"Uhm the guards will be here soon. We better get inside." I nod, even though he wasn't looking at me. 

"Yeah. Goodnight," I say quietly. I wait until I hear him say goodnight back then rush into the castle. I stop at the doorway, taking one last glance at Connor, who's now sitting on the patio chair, unmoving. I smile to myself at the boy in front of me. Content, I turn around and walk to my room. 

Unfortunately, Will was roaming around the halls.

"What are you doing up?" We asked at the same time, which resulted in a fit of laughter from me. Will chuckled a little.

"You answer first," He tells me. 

"I was just meeting with my friend." I decided I should trust Will. He nodded.

"I couldn't sleep so I went to roam around but then I got lost," He explains. I smile, trying not to laugh. He catches it.

"Don't laugh at me! I'm not used to all this." He goes pale after he says that. I tilt my head to the side in question.

"I just mean that I'm not used to your castle," He quickly says. I can tell he's lying. I decide to drop it for now since he looks like a scared kitten.

"Yeah I get it. Want me to help you find your way back?" I ask. He nods. I gesture for him to link his arm through mine and he does happily. We walk back in silence. I reach his room.

"Here we are. Goodnight Will," I say.

"Goodnight Nico." He smiles, then disappears into his room. I rush back to mine quietly. I changed quickly then slip into bed, falling into a peaceful sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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