Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning remembering I had to give my list of people I wanted to talk to to my father. I looked it over and noticed there was only ten names which meant tomorrow I would narrow it down to two people. I already knew it would be Connor and Will. I reviewed my list.











To be fair, I only added Leo and Caly so I could at least talk to some of my friends, and so that it made the list easier to narrow. Also the other option was that Drew girl I don't like. I rush down to his chambers, sliding the envelope with the list under the door, then rushing back to my room to get dressed. By the time I'm ready and showered, I should have been in the dining room thirty seconds ago. I rush downstairs and notice only a few people are there. Noticeably, Will is absent. Eventually, everyone is here, including the blonde. Everyone eats, light chatter among us. My father lists the last ten people and tells us it will be a group thing where all ten of us just go in the room and hang out. 

Talk about awkward. Will tenses and so does Connor. What was that about? I smile at Connor to reassure him, and he smiles back. Will looks terrified at the exchange. He seems on edge as we walked into the room once we're done eating, staying as far away from Connor as possible. I suggest we play a game, and we decide on Truth or Kiss marry kill. Basically, instead of dare, you just get three names that you have to choose between kissing, marrying, and killing. I decide to start the game.

"Leo, truth or kiss marry kill?" I ask.

"Truth!" He exclaims. I smirk.

"Who do you like?" He blushes, glancing at Calypso, who is also blushing. He mumbles a name.

"I can't hear you!" I cheer, smirking.

"Calypso!" He says louder. She flushes bright red and mumbles.

"I like you too," she says. They smile at each other. Connor and I high five, and so do Lacy and Mitchell. Some of the other people exchange money. Will is the only one sitting silently, no expression. 

"Will, truth or kiss marry kill?" Leo ask evily, ignoring the bets on his love life. 

"Kiss marry kill," Will sates confidently. Leo smirks.

"Nico, Connor, Me," Leo says slyly. 

"Easy, marry Nico, kiss you, kill Connor," Will responds without hesitation. I'm taken aback. 

"Nico truth or kiss marry kill?" he asks before I can recover from his answer.

"Truth," I say, not registering what I said until it was to late.

"What's going on with you and Connor?" He asks, a look of betrayal in his eyes. Leo snickers and Caly slaps his arm. 

"Uhm, nothing?" It comes out as more of a question. Connor smiles at me reassuringly. Will doesn't press.

"Uhm, Calypso? Truth or kiss marry kill?" I ask.

"Truth," She replies with out hesitation.

"Was Zoe Atlas really your sister?" Everyone goes a little silent, and I notice both Will and Calypso tense. Calypso nods.

"She was. I didn't know her very well." She turns to Connor.

"Truth or kiss marry kill?" 

"Kiss marry kill!" He replies excitedly. She smirks.

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