Chapter 11

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~I found a way to let you in, though I never really had a doubt, standing in the light of your halo, I got my angel now~


Masquerade. Masquerade. Masquerade. 

"Shit!" I cursed, tripping over the carpet. I braced myself to hit the floor, before I felt something warm holding me up. I looked up into Will's bright blue eyes.

"Woah, careful," he said, helping me stand up properly. 

"Sorry, I'm just really nervous. Wasn't paying attention to where I was going," I explain hastily. 

"It's alright. I have to go since your dad is supposed to talk to Connor and I, but I'll see you soon," he said, smiling at the end. I grinned back.

"See you Will." He waved, rushing off towards the throne room. I sigh, walking towards the ballroom to help my friends set up. As soon as I got there, noise filled my ears. People were chatting and laughing loudly. I walked over to Hazel and Frank.

"Hey sis, need help with that?" I asked, gesturing to the balloons the two of them were blowing.

"Sure! You do the gold one's, since I'm doing the white ones and Frank is doing the black ones," she instructs, handing me a pile of gold balloons. I shrug, picking one up. We spend an hour blowing up balloon's while laughing and chatting before our friends start walking over.

"Nico! Are you excited?" Leo asks, fumbling with something in his hands, while looking at me to speak. I nod.

"I guess. I've never really been to one of these things," I say, shrugging again. It's Leo's turn to nod. I finish blowing up the last balloon, and we decide to bunch them into threes, tying them together, one balloon of each colour, and all of us placed them around the room, leaving the extras scattered around the room. We stepped back and admired the now fully decorated room. Other people were trickling out, finishing all their decorating. 

"Wow! This looks really nice!" Piper exclaims. We all agree.

"Why don't we do something until the two hour mark?" I say referring to the two hours before the masquerade we would need to get dressed.  Everyone agrees to meet at the pool. Will slips into the group when we're half way back to the chambers. I hang back with him.

"Hey. How'd the talk with my dad go?"

"It went well. He seems to like me, but you never know with kings," he says. I nod.

"Want to come? We're going to the pool," I tell him. His face lights up in a grin.

"Sure! Sounds fun." We walk silently, splitting off to our own rooms to change. I quickly throw on my black swim trunks, waiting in the common room that connects all the bed rooms. I'm the first one there, the rest of the guys filing in shortly after, the girls a few minutes after them. We all walk down to the swimming pool quickly, and as soon as we're there, Percy breaks into a sprint.

"CANONBALL!" He shouts, curling in on himself and landing in the pool with a loud SPLASH!  Annabeth sighs heavily, sitting on a lounge chair with her book. Will grabs my hand and pulls me behind him into the pool. Calypso and Reyna sit beside Annabeth, along with Hazel and Frank, who are chatting quietly. The other four start a splash fight in the shallow end, while Will and I grip the edge of the pool in the deep. 

"How do you feel about the masquerade?" Will asks.

"I don't know. It's cool I guess, since you can't tell who's who," I say with a shrug. He sighs in agreement. We stay there in the silence, until someone *cough* Percy *cough* splashes me in the face with water. I glare at my idiot cousin.

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