Chapter 7

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Soon enough, it was 11:55 and I was already waiting for Will outside his room. Luckily, no one passed by here in the few minutes I was waiting. Will opened the door at 12:00 and invited me in. His room was similar to mine, but it was much smaller and less decorated. I noticed he was still wearing his clothes from earlier, but his crown was placed on his dresser. His hair was disheveled and there were dark bags under his eyes. He paced around the room as I sat patiently on his bed. I watched as he walked back and forth not meeting my eyes. After a while, he stopped, leaning against the wall, sinking to the ground. He squeezed his eyes shut tight, a single tear rolling down his cheek. I carefully sat down beside him. He kept his eyes shut.

"You know," he starts,

"I always used to read about your family. In the lessons and in the paper I mean. I always liked your sister. As a person I mean. Not Hazel, Bianca. Her and I were best friends along with Zoe. Did she ever talk about me?" He rambles. I was surprised to hear that.

"I- no she never did. Then again she never mentioned Zoe either until a few days before-before the explosion," I say, letting a tear roll down my own cheek in memory of my sister. He doesn't say anything. I notice his left hand move from the floor beside me to a series of gold chains around his neck that I hadn't noticed before. His hand moves to the back of his neck, unclasping the necklaces in a swift motion and shoving them towards me. I pick up the first of five. The first one says "Zoe" on it. The second says "Will" on it. The next says Will's last name, "Solace", and the fourth says Zoe's last name, "Atlas". As I look at the last necklace I choke back a sob. Engraved in gold is my sister's name "Bianca". I recognize the necklace from somewhere.

"Where's the necklace of my last name?" I ask. He opens his eyes, looking straight ahead.

"I don't know." He answers in a daze. 

"Where did you get the necklaces from?" I ask cautiously. 

"Nico I need your help."

"With what? You're scaring me Will." 

"I don't think that Bianca and Zoe's deaths were an accident." 


It seemed as though the whole entire castle was holding it's breath, waiting for the words Will said not to be true. 

"What?" I whisper. He breaks down, sobbing quietly. Tears are streaming down my face.

"I'm so..I'm so sorry," He sobs. 

"Why are you apologizing?" I whisper. He sniffles.

"It's my fault. I should've realized-I should've stopped him! Now he's going to hurt you!" He sobs again. 

"Who?" I ask, trying to stay patient. Will just flops onto me, clinging to me as if I'm his lifeline, until he eventually falls asleep. I carry him to his bed with a sigh.

"Goodnight Solace," I whisper. I leave his room, looking back once more before shutting the door. I scurry back to my room, quickly locking the door and changing, then slipping into the warm comfort of my bed and blankets. I tossed and turned for hours, Will's words replaying in my head. Something about the conversation was off. Where was that necklace from? Who was Will talking about? 

I don't know, but I will find out.

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