Chapter 5

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After Will was done crying, he apologized and excused himself to use the washroom. He didn't explain. I decided to not let it bother me for now, pushing my promise to the back of my mind. As much as I wanted to forget about the blue eyed boy, his broken expression kept resurfacing as I talked to many people I knew. Finally, the last person I would talk to before I got to talk to the taken people, Connor. I saw him smile when my dad called him in the room. All thoughts of the son of Apollo vanished. Connor and I sat on the couch, lounging around, legs intertwined casually. We always did this so it wasn't weird. 

"How's your day been?" He asks, taking a handful of small candies off the table. I roll my eyes and smile.

"It's been good. Better with you. Some of those people were so boring. Why were Leo and Calypso even sent in here? They obviously like each other no matter how much they deny it," I state. He laughs, nodding his head in agreement.

"How about you?" I tilt my head. He swallows one of the candies. I watch his every movement as he carefully gets up and places the wrapper in the disposal bin by the door, then returns to his seat, relaxing back into our comfortable position. 

"It's been okay. Pretty average, dealing with Travis and Katie's flirting. They're getting married soon you know? Next year I'm pretty sure." He pops a strawberry in his mouth. 

"I didn't hear about it yet. Are you sure I was supposed to know?" I tease. He shrugs playfully, licking his fingers. 

"How's blondie?" He asks, the same dark expression that always appears when talking about Will once again corrupting his beautiful features. He looks away. I sit up suddenly in my spot, something coming over me. I grab his chin, tilting his face back in my direction. 

"What happened with you and Will?" I ask slowly, not wanting to upset him. He closes his eyes slowly, opening them again after a few seconds, his head turned away from me again, my hand still on his chin.

"Nothing happened just- it's nothing." 

"Don't lie to me, Connor. I'm your best friend and I trust you with my life. Will you trust me?" I ask. He turns back towards me, eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips. I know what's going to happen. He leans a little closer, stopping just a few centimeters away from my face. 

"I like you Nico Di Angelo, and I have since the day we met," he whispers, staring into my eyes.

"I like you too." I lean forward and close the distance between us. His lips feel soft against mine. My hand makes it's way into his hair, pulling my fingers through his soft locks. He warps his arm around my neck, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss. 

After about a minute, we pull away, both gasping for air, foreheads touching. 

"I want to marry you Connor Stoll. I don't care what any one else says." He looks up at me. We sit there for a few minutes in silence before he pulls away.

"What about the masquerade?" He asks, still keeping the eye contact while popping another candy into his mouth.

"My dad will make me go through with it," I say. I wasn't lying and Connor knew it. But there was a way I could prove to Connor I would marry him. I pulled out the small box I carried around with me. There were many things my sister Bianca left behind for me when she died, but there were three important things. One of them was a ring with a skull on it that my father had given her. It had been passed down generations in our family in the Di Angelo name. The ring was our symbol. I wore it everyday. The second was the figuring she died getting me. It was nearing my eleventh birthday, and she had gone out to get me a gift. At the time, there was this game I loved involving figurines. She and her girlfriend, Zoe, came across a deserted junk yard, where Bianca found the figurine. Sadly, both of them died due to an explosion from one of the machines. And the last thing she gave was...

"Connor, I know that this is going to be hard but I like you a lot and I want you to rule beside me." I opened the box revealing a gold chain. On the chain was the last name Di Angelo. He gasped knowing what it was. 

"You can't give me that. I can't- that was Bianca's!" He says scooting further back away from me on the couch.

"You know what she said in the letter. She told me to give it to someone I cared about, and I care about you Connor. She told me I'd know when the time came, and the time is now. Please take this. In honour of Bianca," I negotiate. He reluctantly moves closer to me and I click the necklace at the back of his neck, kissing his cheek. A light blush spreads across his cheeks. 

"I love you?" He asks. 

"I love you too," I answer without hesitation.

"You promise?" He asks. 

"Promise." He smiles at me, just as my father calls for us. 



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