Chapter 10

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I woke up in a sweat. I laid in my bed for another ten minutes, then got up hastily when I look at the time. I rush through my morning routine, sloppily throwing my crown on my head, then scramble down to the dining room. My dad sighs at me, but doesn't get to say anything because people start filing in. We eat with silent chatter, and my dad talks about who I'm spending the day with but I don't pay attention, since I'm trying not to fall asleep. I catch the ending.

"Connor, you spend the first half of the day with Nico." My dad dismisses everyone. Connor and I walk out to the garden.

"So, what to you want to do?" He asks. I suddenly have an idea.

"Let's go swimming!" I suggest. He just laughs and we both get changed and meet at the indoor pool. I grab a pool noodle and wack him with it in the water. We have a huge splash fight as we laugh uncontrollably. We spent most of our time in the pool. We get out once there's an hour left so we can dry off. Laughing, I help Connor out of the pool and we sit on the plastic chairs to dry off. 

"That was really fun," I say, turning to face him. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He smiles, grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, it was." We sit in silence like that until the speakers call me back upstairs. I change as quick as possible and give Connor a quick kiss before running back to the dining room to meet Will. He looks nervous. My father doesn't say a word, just smiles at us and leaves. 

"So..uhm...I was thinking. Today I was know...." Will rambles. I look at him confused before I notice his tear-stained cheeks.

"Want to visit their graves?" I ask. He nods and smiles at me. We link arms and go to the small graveyard a little ways away, still on castle grounds. I help Will pick some of Bianca and Zoe's favourite flowers, and we set them on the stones. Will breaks down again. 

"I...I think I'm ready," he says, looking up at me as I hug him.

"For what?"

"To tell you about myself," he answers. I nod, untangling my arms from him.

"Well...." He starts.


"Will! Happy Thursday!" Bianca cheers as I walk up to the swings. I smile at her and Zoe. Today was not a good day for me, seeing as my siblings were in a fight with my dad, and it somehow got blamed on me, when I wasn't even involved. Nothing new.

"Hi!" I wave. I slip onto my swing between them. 

"How are you?" Zoe asks me. I recite the events from today and they both hug me. 

"How about you guys?" I ask. Bianca talks about her fight with her younger brother. I had always wanted to meet the younger boy. He intrigued me and I secretly had a crush on him even though we had never actually met. I was the same age as him apparently.  

"What about you Zoe?" I ask the other girl. She talks about how she spent the day with her sister, Calypso, and they went into town to pick a dress for Calypso's birthday, which was only a few weeks after Nico's. 

"Well, we better get going! We have to find a gift for my baby brother! Bye Will!" Bianca says. Her and Zoe each hug me and give me a kiss on the forehead. Bianca had slipped three necklaces in my pocket while I wasn't looking and only later did I find them. 

"Love you guys! Bye" I wave as I run back to my castle, which was a ten minute run away. About five minutes after I started running home, I heard a loud BOOM! I looked back and saw that the junk yard was up in flames. One day later, two bodies were reported. My father blamed me for their deaths, locking me up in cell until I turned 17, so he could marry me off. 


"He let me out of the cell last year. I barely saw anyone. My siblings never visited me and neither did my father," Will finished. He was crying heavily by the end, and I was too.

"I didn't...I never knew." He smiled at me sadly.

"It's okay. Thank you for not hating me," he said. I smiled back at him.

"I will never hate you," I replied, helping him up. We wiped our cheeks and dusted off our clothes. 

"We should probably go back inside, it's getting dark." He suggests. I nod and we head back inside just in time for dinner. Dinner is normal, and I meet Will at his room once it's over. We spend the night talking about Bianca and Zoe. We laughed about fun times, me mostly talking about Bianca. We fell asleep, forgetting about the masquerade awaiting us. 

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