Chapter 12

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I'M ACTUALLY UPDATING!!! It took so long to motivate myself to do this but unlike most of the other things I write, for some reason I actually like this story, probably because it's Solangelo lol. Anyways, here's the update!

We danced all night. I somehow didn't trip over my dress. I had a suspicion Emerald knew I was the Prince, but I couldn't figure out how. Eventually, I saw my dad walk in with my step mom, Persephone, who was returning from her stay with her mother. My dad smiles at me slightly and I wave behind Emerald's back. Persephone realizes it must've been Hazel or I, and also smiles. I continue to dance with the prince in front of me. We get tired not long after, Emerald grabbing my hand and leading me to a table. 

"Would you like a drink, Holly?" He asks. I nod.

"I'll take some water. And if you happen to pass by the food table, grab a few of each kind of cookies. Per-Queen Persephone makes them good. So I've heard at least," I scramble, trying to cover up the mistakes. He chuckles.

"I'll take your word. Be right back!" He rushes off into the crowd. Not a minute after he's gone, Another person is taking his seat.

"Sorry, this seat is taken-" I start.

"Save it, I miss you." I recognize the voice right away.

"Connor? Aren't you supposed to have a voice changer?" I ask, confused. He makes a "shhhhh" motion, bringing his finger to his lip. Connor smirks.

"I am. I ditched it so I could pull you away from the party." His smirk turns into a smile. I can't help but smile to myself. 

"I can't leave and you know that. My father would kill me!" I exclaim. He chuckles lightly. 

"Fine, but tomorrow we're hanging out k?" He asks. I nod. He hugs me, then gets up, just as Emerald sits down. He frowns.

"What was that about?" He questions, handing me a clear glass filled with what I assume was punch. I take a sip.

"Just another person who thought I was interesting," I tease with a smirk, then remember he can't see. A light blush falls onto his cheeks.

"Shut up!" He says playfully, pushing my shoulder. We talk the night away, dancing a little while more. Soon enough, my dad is on the stage, Persephone by his side, as well as Hazel, who now had her mask off. She smirked at me slightly. I roll my eyes.

"It's now twelve, which concludes this ball. Everyone that's single, make a line and discretely drop your item into this bag." My dad pulls out a large black sack. Everyone makes a line, which I join. When it gets to my turn, I put in a flower from my mask. My dad releases everyone, and I say goodnight to Emerald, sadly not catching Connor. I slid back into the ballroom to see my family, taking off my mask once inside. Persephone smiles, giving me a big bear hug.

"I missed you both!" She cheers. My dad smiles, watching us hug her back. 

"What's the...what's that term you children use? Right! What's the tea?" My dad asks, once we pull away from my step-mom. I scrunch my nose.

"Don't ever say that again. Like, ever." He laughs.

"Point taken. We should go through all the stuff people put?" My dad suggests. All of us agree so we lay everything out. There's a bunch of stuff I recognize. It comes down to five items. 

There's a watch, a pin with an intricate sword design, a second place ribbon, a patch of something foil-like and red, and lastly, a small chain with a key attached to it. I remember something Bianca told me a while ago, just before she had introduced us to Zoe, just before she died.

"Baby brother, always remember that your heart is like a cage, and one person has the key to unlock it."

I shake my head and face my family.

"We have to find out who's key this is."

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