Chapter 15

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Once my family had cleared out of the room, I turned to Will. 

"I'm so glad you're okay. You scared me. I shouldn't have told you about Connor I'm so sorry Nico-"

"Will stop. You had to tell me. Just like we have to tell my Dad," I interrupted. He looked away from me. 

"I know," he whispered. He seemed so defeated but I had to find out more about what happened. 

" is it possible that you were locked under our palace the whole time? What does Connor want from the dungeons?" I let my stream of questions flow and give will a minute to process. 

"The dungeon's of all the kingdoms connect underground. The key that was used for my cell was specially designed as a master key to open any cell, which also means that it can unlock the passage doors to the dungeons. Along with royal DNA of course. When my dad released me, he gave me the key to my cell. He had the DNA altered so I can't reach the dungeons without someone else's DNA, but made me wear it so I'd constantly be reminded of my time in the cell. He would check every hour to make sure I was wearing it," Will explains. Tears are falling down his face and I just continue holding his hand in silence. 

"If we're going to say anything to my dad...I need to know what happened with Connor the day Bianca said you saw him?"

"I did. He was working in our castle the year Bianca died. Just like you, I tried to befriend him. We were no where near as close as you and Connor are, but I would talk to him whenever he was around, and he was always around. The day I got back from the junkyard, I didn't see him for the entire day. I didn't see my dad either. Not until the day the bodies were found. I was in my room when my dad barged in with a bunch of guards and Connor was with him, smirking while they dragged me away, my dad telling me they found out what I did. Later that day Connor was let into the dungeon to see me. He told me...he told me that for the rest of my life, I'd be guilty for a murder we both knew I didn't commit. I pulled out the button from the bomb, the one he used to set it off, and he threw it into my cell. I begged anyone who would listen to take it away but I guess they'd been given orders to leave it in my cell to remind me. Once day I woke up and it had disappeared, but the damage was already done. Whoever took the button away left behind the necklaces hidden under a little stone. i never figured out who it was but the necklaces were the only thing that got me through," he confesses. I hold him tighter while he sobs. We sit in silence both crying for a while, eventually falling asleep. 

I wake up to a knock on the door.

"Come in," I call. Mu father shuffles in, a tired expression on his face. I notice right away that he doesn't have his crown on. 

"Nico, I have to tell you something. Once Will wakes up. It's about the day Will got locked up," my Dad lets out a breath. I shoot up.

"How do you know about that?" I question.

"Because I went to see Apollo the day they found the bodies."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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