Chapter 4

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My worst enemy. 

At least I know everyone here.

Well, almost everyone. 

"Nico! Finally you're here. You were supposed to get here earlier then everyone, but when have you ever followed the rules?" My dad sighs, as I chuckle, taking my seat between Will and the empty chair. I watch Will hold back a laugh, and notice everyone is also doing the same. I roll my eyes. 

"As you all know, today is..socialization day," I say, making a small gagging motion after, causing my friends and father to roll their eyes. Will lets out a laugh. 

"First, we will let Nico talk to everyone who does not have a partner already, then we will move on. Will, you may go first." My father nods his head at Will, and I sneak a glance as Connor as I extend my hand to help Will out of the room. He's smiling but his eyes are full of the same emotion from last night when we talked about the "hunky son of Apollo." He catches my eye and his expression relaxes. I turn back to Will, holding open the door to the lounge room we're stuck in together for the next half hour.

"So, Prince. What's cracka-lackin'?" Will asks calmly, lounging on the sofa while popping a strawberry from the side table into his mouth. I sit on the chair across from him, leaning back and crossing my legs.

"Nothing much. Just prep for the Masquerade. I'm glad I get to see my friends 24/7 now though, because we haven't all hung out in the same place since forever." I admit. He nods.

"My....friends are the same way. I haven't seen them in ages." A dark look crosses his face as he says "friends", but as soon as it's there, it's gone again. I narrow my eyes but don't question.

"So, tell me about yourself," I tell him, taking a strawberry. He shrugs.

"I'm not interesting. I listen to the same stuff as you. I'm bi. See nothing interesting." He shrugs again. I narrow my eyes again.

"That's not what I meant. I meant tell me about you. Not the stuff you listen to. I'm trying to potentially marry you and you're telling me about what songs you listen to?" He laughs at that and so do I. 

"Well, I've always wanted to be a doctor. My father is one of the best healers but he dropped all that to become the king of Euphoria. My mother had me when she was only 18 and then went off to become a singer, leaving me as the eldest heir of my father's kingdom,"  He says. He looks away.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I ask. I watch him sit up and make a rash decision to sit down beside him. He looks at me and I notice his eyes are glassy and his cheeks have tears streaming down them. I carefully embrace him in a hug. He sobs into my chest uncontrollably. 

I made a promise to myself, right then and there.

I would help this boy, no matter what it took. 

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