Chapter 14

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After Will and I had calmed down, he made me promise not to tell anyone about what he said. I agreed with him because it would upset my family but I knew that I had to confront Connor at some point so I said that.

"Will, I know I said I wouldn't tell anyone but I hope you can understand that I need to confront Connor."

"I thought you would say that...can I come with you?" He asked. I nodded, words stuck in my throat. We walked in silence to the dining room where everyone would be meeting again soon for dinner. 

"Nico! How lovely it is to see you!" My father greeted, voice dripping with sarcasm. I wanted to smile or even laugh but I couldn't find it in me. The world started getting blurry and my head started to spin. I heard people calling my name but I couldn't hear. 

"Hey it's okay. You're going to be okay." Was all I heard.

I woke up sometime after in the hospital wing, my family and Will at my side. Will was asleep, his head resting on the edge of the bed, sitting on the floor. Hazel was in a chair reading a book. My father was pacing nervously back and forth talking in hushed tones with Persephone who was standing near the door way.

"Hades, he'll be all right. The doctor said he passed out from stress, probably from all this regarding his birthday. When he wakes up, we can discuss and se if he needs us to make some timing adjustments or help him with something else. Maybe he's stressed about finding the five items?" Was some of the things I heard Persephone saying. My dad continued pacing.

"I understand that Persephone, but we can't push back timing. Of course I want to help my son but we also can't do it at the expense of our kingdom and..." my father glanced at Hazel. Persephone slightly nodded in either agreement or understanding, I couldn't tell. She locked eyes with me.

"Nico! You're awake!" She gleamed. I smiled weakly, remembering why I fainted in the first places. I wished Will was awake so he could help me explain what was happening. Just as that thought came into my mind, the blonde stirred, rubbing his eyes. He saw I was awake and wrapped me in a hug, climbing up to the best beside me. I thought he would move but we just ended up cuddling instead. This definitely didn't go unnoticed. 

"Son, welcome back to the land of the living. How do you feel?" It was a stupid question, but I knew my father was just trying to help.

"Uh, okay I guess? I don't know. That's never happened before." I glanced at Will, and his eyes gave warning not to tell.

"I see. Do you need some space, or shall we discuss what we will do to prevent more of these incidences in the future?" He asked softly. I'd never seen my father be so gentle with anyone other than Hazel and Bianca. 

"Uh can I have some space? Maybe like an hour or two? I need to talk to Will," I admitted. Will looked surprised that I wanted him there so I grabbed his hand for reassurance. My family took turns hugging me and then left. I realized I was still holding Will's hand but decided I liked that. 

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