Chapter 6

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After the long day yesterday, I was happy to wake up to my favourite breakfast, Egg McMuffin. I know it sounds weird but my sister loved McDonald's so now we eat that as tribute to her. I sit in my usual seat, smiling to myself when my beautiful angel walks into the room. He passes me my sandwich and I thank him. He smirks and sends me a wink, to which I roll my eyes at. I feel Will tense beside me. 

"Alright, today is another day of talking, but there will be less people today as decided by Nico. Today he will be talking to....." I stop listening, focusing on eating my food instead. I'm done just as he's saying the last two names.

"Will Solace, Son of Apollo, and lastly, Connor Stoll, Son of Hermes. You will meet in that order." He finishes. The first girl, Lacy, Piper's sister, is the first person to meet with me. We have a nice conversation about my wedding attire since she enjoys to design clothing. After that, I have a nice conversation with Piper's friend, Mitchell. We have a conversation about "trying a new style". he gave me some clothing stores that apparently "match my aesthetic" or something like that. Then I had a conversation with Piper's older sister Drew, who was just all over me,even though I said I was gay but whatever, she seemed nice yesterday. After that was thankfully over, I talked to a bunch of other random single people. Finally, Will was up. He dragged his feet into the room. Okayyyyyy...

"Hey," I say. He nods his head in acknowledgement, flopping down on the couch. 

"What's up?" I ask. His eyes are closed.

"Nothing. Just lying here." He hums.

"That's not what I meant," I argue.

"I know." he agrees. I sigh. This isn't going anywhere.

"What happened yesterday?" I ask cautiously. He tenses a little, not meeting my eyes. 

"Nothing. It was just because I was reminded of my mom. I mentioned she was a singer...well she went on tour and just...never came back. My father remarried before he became king," Will replies shakily. I nod.

"I get it." I could tell that wasn't the full story but I let it go. He clearly wasn't ready to talk about it so I wouldn't make him. We sat in comfortable silence until my dad called Connor in. He shut the door, immediately taking his place beside me in the small chair. The chair couldn't fit both of us, so he was basically on my lap. He kisses me on the lips quickly.

"How did you sleep?" He asks, snuggling against my chest.

"I slept really good actually. What about you?" I say. He smiles to himself, eyes closed.

"Same as you. Trav was teasing me because I was smiling all night and Katie yelled at him." He lets out a giggle. I snicker. We teased each other and talked about everything and nothing until my dad finally called us back out. We came stumbling out of the room laughing and everyone was looking at us, eyebrows raised. My father just put his hand on his head and sighed. I sat back down in my spot while my dad rambled on about the masquerade, sneaking glances at Connor. I notice Jason, Reyna, and Annabeth narrowing their eyes, but not questioning it. After my dad dismisses us, we all break off to talk to people, most of us heading outside to the garden and patio. Before I can even look at Connor, I'm being dragged away by the three people in question. They pull me behind a bush.

"So something is clearly going on with you and Connor," Annabeth states crossing her arms. I try not to blush but it clearly didn't work. Jason smirks.

"So there is something! Spill!" He squeals.

"Jason calm down. You're attracting attention." I turn my head at Reyna's statement and realize that people are looking at the bush weirdly. 

"I'm not telling you. You'll find out soon enough," I argue. Annabeth sighs.

"Whatever. Seaweed Brain is waiting for me," She says, referring to her husband. She waves, running off to meet him and Piper. I watch Thalia walk out of the castle, searching for who I assumed was Reyna.

"Well, looks like Thalia is here. This conversation is not over." She glares, walking off without a second glance, leaving me with Jason. I internally sigh. 

"So. Now that it's just us, tell me all the details!" He exclaims excitedly. You see, Jason is my best friend, well other then Connor of course, so I decided to tell him some of the details. 

"Well we confessed we liked each other yesterday." Keeping it vague. I watch Jason's face light up, probably holding back a squeal. 

"OMG! Literal OTP goals!" He cheers, bouncing on the balls of his feet. I roll my eyes.

"Well that's all so you can leave now." I make a shooing motion with my hands and he rushes off to his girlfriend. I'm making my way over to Connor when I'm intercepted yet again, except this time it's by Will. He pulls me behind another hedge before anyone can even notice we're gone. 

"Can you meet me at my room tonight at 12:00?" He asks. 

"Uh, sure? Why?" I question. He flinches.

" me okay?" I nod and he nods in return, leaving me to finally walk over to my precious angel. 

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