Chapter 13

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The morning after the masquerade I woke up late. In fact I woke up so I late I missed breakfast and  lunch. When I woke up I wasn't alone. Connor was pacing back and forth in my room. 

"Uh...Con? What are you-"

"Shhhh! They can't know I'm here. I got the key. Let's go," he interrupted.

"Connor what are you talking about?" I whisper back, grabbing my clothes and ducking behind my changing wall.

"Nico hurry up! We're running out of time," he says frantically. I finish changing and he immediately drags me by the hand. The guard by my door looks unconscious. 

"Connor...what happened to my guard?" I ask. he doesn't answer, continuing to drag me along. We reach the secret back hallway of the palace. A hallway that Connor is definitely not supposed to know about.

"I need you to open the door for me. I can't get access since I'm not apart of your family. Open it now," he demands, still gripping my wrist. 

"Connor you're scaring me, stop!" I attempt to free myself from his grasp.

"Nico, please just do this." He finally turns to look at me, but something about his eyes seems off. 

"I can't! I don't have access either," I admit, still struggling to pull away. He sighs letting go of my wrist. 

"WHAT THE HELL CONNOR!?" I scream. He turns to look at me.

"I'll get my way no matter what. I have the key already now I just need access to this door, which I'll have anyways in a mater of days." He pushes past me, leaving me standing by the secret hallway alone with my thoughts. He must have known I lied about having access, but I couldn't just let someone in. Especially not someone who basically kidnapped me then tried to force me to. 

"Nico? Is that you?" I recognize the voice immediately.

"Yeah it's me. What are you doing here?" I jog back to the main hallway where Will is waiting for me. 

"I could ask you the same thing," he says, crossing his arms sassily. I shove his shoulder playfully and he flinches a little.

"Sorry. Just a habit," he apologizes.

"No it's fine. I'm the one who's sorry. I should have realized," I say. He smiles his big, all his teeth showing, smile.

"So seriously, what were you doing?" I decide to tell him most of the story.

"Well, when I woke up, Connor was pacing around my room, then he basically kidnapped me and dragged me down here to try and open uh...something, then he said something about already having the key? I have no idea what that was about..." I look over at the blonde beside me and notices his face is extremely pale.

"Will? Are you okay? Do I need to take you to the nurse?" I ask. He slowly shakes his head and starts to regain colour.

"DAMMIT!" He screams, kicking the wall. Tears start to stream down his face as he falls to his knees. I crouch down in front of him and let him cry into my shoulder once again. I guess this is our daily thing now. 

"Do you want to tell me what just happened?" 

"I...I- It was C-Connor," he get's out between hiccup-like sobs. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"What was Connor? What did he do?" 


"What?" My voice barely comes out as a whisper. Now Will is not the only one who's crying. I turn around to sit against the wall and Will moves beside me. 

I turn to look at him and find him looking back at me too.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I question.

"I couldn't- I couldn't talk about it. I wasn't sure until you said- until you said he had the key. My  key," he explained, calmer now. It all clicked into place as the realization of what he just said hit me like a truck.

"You think Connor....killed Zoe and Bianca?" I restate. He nods.

"I don't think he did, I know he killed them. I saw him that day as my dad was locking me up."

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