Chapter 9

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This chapter is going to be really short since I have big plans for the next chapter. By the way, the chapter after the next chapter is going to be Part 2. Each part is going to last at least 10 chapters probably not any more or any less but yeah. ANyways! ON WITH THE STORY! 


Unlike the past few nights, tonight was not dreamless. Will's theory was ringing around my head and my dreams turned into memories.

"Nico! Where are you!" Bianca called happily. I listened as her footsteps came closer to the bed I was hiding under. She stopped in front of it. 

"Boo!" She called, peeking under the bed. We both burst out laughing.

"No fair! You're so good at this! Even Hazel is worse than you and she's the best at hide and seek!" I complained. Hazel ran into the room at that exact time, a look of horror on her face. We were laughing when we noticed our half-sister, tear-stained cheeks.

"C-come quick," She stumbled out. We raced after her, our moods changing from happy to worried in a matter of seconds. We all reached the out-skirts of the castle. Just a few meters away from the gate lay the bodies of two women. I let out a scream of horror. I mean what 8 year old child wouldn't scream if they saw their mother and step-mother dead in front of them. Hades was on the ground holding the lifeless body of  his current wife, Hazel's mother, his hand grasping my mother's limp hand. I broke down crying and screaming, Bianca silently hugging me as she shed her own tears. My step-sister broke down in our father's arms, right over her mother's body. Hazel was only six years old, and Bianca was ten. 

My mind skipped ahead to four years later.

"Papa! Zoe and I are leaving now!" I heard my sister call. I remembered the family tradition, "When one of us goes into town, we must say I love you and goodbye. You never know what could happen." My father's words rang in my head. He made it a rule after my mother and step-mother had died. I rushed downstairs, enveloping the two girls in a hug, Hazel joining me shortly. 

"Love you B-B! Sorry for what I said before. You're not really a dumbass," I apologized shyly. She let out a soft laugh. 

"It's okay baby brother, I forgive you!" She ruffles my hair. I looked up at her and smiled. She smiled back, but I noticed something wrong with her eyes. They looked sad. I thought she was tired. 

"Bye! I love you also!" Hazel said. Bianca kissed us both on the forehead.

"I love you both very, very much! I'll miss you guys! We'll be gone for a while. Happy early birthday baby brother in case we aren't back in time." She hugs me tightly.

"Bye Bianca, stay safe alright?" My dad instructs. She nods, the tired look even more obvious in her eyes. My dad smiles. She hugs him good bye.

"Love you guys! Bye!" She smiled one last time. That was the last time I ever got to see her smile again. 

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