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I woke up an hour later and I saw my dad suddenly also sitting here. I rubbed my eyes and looked around me, noticing I was laying down on Clay's lap. He was holding my shoulders and leaned forwards to see if I was awake.

'Hi,' I whispered, sitting back up.

'Hey, Gogy,' Clay said. 'Are you feeling a little better now?'

I nodded, lying about how I really felt. I was still very tired, but it was nice to have slept for a little. I looked up at my dad and he smiled at me.

'Hey, George. You were sleeping when I came home. I heard of Clay that you have a nice story to tell your aunt and me.'

'Uh-,' I said confused. 'Oh, you mean the hockey tournament, Clay?'

Clay nodded and he smiled. 'I didn't spoil it yet.'

I giggled. 'Thanks. So for you,' I said to my aunt. 'My school organises a hockey tournament every year and I have never been chosen before and today was the day the teams would get revealed.'

'Oh, that sounds exciting,' my aunt said. 'And?'

'I'm in the team this year!' I said happily, smiling brightly. 'I'm kind of proud.'

'Great job, George!' my dad said. 'I'm proud of you too, you can definitely be proud!'

I smiled shyly because everyone was this sweet to me and I leaned back against the armrest of the couch.

Everyone was just talking a little and I just listened, sitting back on the couch as I suddenly felt something weird drip down my face, falling on my shirt. I looked down and I saw a weird red spot on my shirt. I looked at it in confusion and brought my hand up to my face. I looked at it and saw my hand was suddenly completely red.

I sat up and held my hand under my nose, standing up. Clay looked at me and startled. 'Oh gosh, you're having a nosebleed,' Clay said.

Everyone was now staring at me, but my aunt reacted quickly and gave me a napkin.

'I'm going to the bathroom,' I said as I started walking there. Clay ran after me and we walked to the bathroom, turning the light on. He closed the door and he looked at me.

'Are you alright? Do you have nosebleeds more often?'

I shrugged. 'Not really, but there's a first time for anything.'

'Sit down,' Clay said. 'Hold your nose like this.' He showed me that I had to hold my thumb and index finger just under the bone in my nose. 'Now lean forwards a little and you have to sit like this for around fifteen minutes.'

I nodded and leaned forwards, doing everything Clay told me to. Clay sat next to me on the edge of the bathtub and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

'I know I'm probably really annoying, but are you alright for real, George?'

I nodded. 'I'm fine, I'm just a bit tired. I think I'm getting a fever.'

'But it's summer.'

'Well, I mean. People get sick in the summer too.'

'Do you have a weak immune system?'

I shrugged. 'Maybe, maybe I'm just missing some vitamins.'

'Maybe, you should take some vitamin pills.'

'Sure,' I said. 'I don't mind.'

Clay held me tightly against his body and after a while he stood up to grab a napkin to clean my hand with.

'Do you want a new shirt? There's blood on it.'

I nodded slightly. 'I'll grab one.'

'No, you have to sit down until your nose stops bleeding. I'll grab one, do you have one which you prefer?'

'A shirt which isn't that warm, it's so hot outside.'

Clay nodded and he walked off, walking to my room to grab me a shirt. It took him two minutes and he came back with a blue shirt.

'I chose a blue one,' he said smiling.

'I like that one.'

'I know, you wear it often.'

I smiled. 'Do you think the nosebleed is over?'

'You have to sit like this for a while. I can get my phone so we can play a game?'

I nodded. 'If you want to.'

Clay nodded and he walked to the living room, coming back after a while with his phone. We started playing a multiplayer game in which I only had to use one hand and we had fun playing it. The rest of the time passed by quickly and I let go of my nose when it was twenty minutes later. The bleeding had stopped and I cleaned my face and my hands.

I grabbed my new shirt and pulled off the shirt I was currently wearing. I saw Clay looking at my body for a little and I saw his cheeks getting slightly redder. I giggled. 'You like what you see?'

Clay rolled his eyes. 'It's just hot outside, idiot.'

I nodded. 'True.'

Just as I wanted to pull on my shirt, Clay grabbed my shoulder and turned me to him more. 'What the hell? Did I actually cause a bruise with that soft hit?'

I looked at my arm and I saw a big bruise on there. I shrugged. 'I think I might have hit it accidentally against something.'

'Are you sure? Did someone else hit you or something? This bruise is pretty big, you should have noticed someone hitting you.'

'You hit me,' I giggled.

'Please, don't say that. I feel so guilty now. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to cause a bruise.'

'It's fine, it didn't even hurt. You did nothing wrong, I must have just walked into a door or something.'

Clay's face was pretty red and he sat down. 'Oh gosh, I feel so bad. Please, I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm so sorry.'

I walked closer to him and smiled. 'Don't worry, you've done nothing wrong. I don't think it's because of that, I just hit something.'

Clay was still holding my arm and he kept looking at the bruise. I quickly put on my shirt and I smiled at Clay. 'It's fine, you've done nothing wrong.'

'But that's not good.'

'Don't worry, I just walked into a door, I think.'

Clay nodded slowly, but he had never looked this worried.

1045 words

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