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-Chemotherapy (mentions needles)
-Throwing up

It was early in the morning of the next day and I had never been more nervous than I was today. The chemotherapy would start in just little and I was waiting for Clay and probably my parents.

Yesterday evening the nurse had explained everything that they were going to do and she also honestly told me that I was going to feel really bad after it, definitely in the beginning.

My body was going to be given drugs which it wasn't used to at all and it didn't only kill cancer cells but also was going to kill the healthy cells. That would cause me hair loss and things like that. I was honestly scared, I was going to be given one drug every day through my IV and another drug the first three days of the chemotherapy, I would have a short rest after that week and they would do it again if my leukaemia cells didn't go down. At least that's what I picked up from what they told me.

They also told me I was going to be given a blood transfusion for the first time of my chemotherapy, my red blood cells were too low at this point to give me the chemotherapy, but because they had to start quickly, they couldn't just wait for my red blood cell count to be higher. That was also not going to work since my body was way too sick for that.

Clay had arrived an hour later and he sat next to my bed as I looked at the nurse grabbing a needle to prick in my arm. Clay was holding my other hand and he smiled at me. 'You're going to do great, sweetie.'

I smiled at him. 'I'm glad you're here with me.'

'I'm as well. I'm really glad to be with you.'

Clay didn't have to wear a mask, but he was wearing gloves and he had to disinfect his hands and such very regularly. Clay was sitting behind me on my bed with his legs and arms around me and he rested his head on my shoulder, making me calm.

My parents were also here. They were waiting for Clay to leave for a little so they could come and Clay would come back after that.

Since I was young and usually in a good condition I was going to have the most intense chemotherapy they had, probably having them add another drug to the two I had already.

I smiled at Clay and I looked up at three bags hanging up. I was firstly going to be given a blood transfusion. I waited for it to be done while holding Clay's hand and after that the chemotherapy started when everything was ready and checked out.

Clay was still holding my hand tightly and started softly talking to me as I saw the medicine entering my body through my IV. I didn't even really realise what was happening yet, yesterday I was still at home and now I was in the hospital for chemotherapy.

The chemotherapy lasted a long while and after that I had just been laying in my bed with Clay. I still hadn't realised what was going on and I was just sleeping a little in Clay's arms.

It was two hours after the chemo and I started feeling extremely nauseous, my mouth was sore for some reason and I was extremely tired. Clay had called a doctor to get me a bucket if I needed to throw up and he was holding it in his hands.

'I'm feeling so bad,' I whispered.

Clay hugged me really tightly and grabbed the bucket. 'Do you think you're going to throw up, Georgie?'

I nodded and I curled up. 'I'm too scared. I don't want to throw up, I want to feel good. I want to train for the tournament.'

'Come, stay close to me.'

I shook my head heavily as I lifted myself up quickly, throwing up everything I had eaten today. Not that it was that much, it was just an apple. Clay rubbed my back slowly and wiped some hair out of my face.

'You're going to be okay, Georgie. I love you and I'm here, okay? Do you need to throw up another time, sweetie?'

I shrugged and kept hanging above the bucket Clay was holding for me. He rubbed through my hair and kissed my cheek carefully. 'I love you.'

I tried saying it back, but I was way too nauseous.

'Do you want me to clean the bucket or would you like me to keep it here for a little?'

I nodded but I noticed that wasn't an answer at all. Clay smiled at me and held me tight. 'Do you want me to clean it? I can call a doctor if you want? The doctor will probably check on you quickly though.'

I nodded and smiled. Just as Clay went to stand up to clean my bucket, I hopelessly grabbed it again and threw up another time. Clay wiped some sweat off of my forehead and kissed my hair.

'Another time, sweetie?'

I shook my head and I laid back down. 'I'm so tired and nauseous.'

'Maybe they can give you something for the nausea.'

I nodded slowly and my eyes filled with tears as Clay rubbed through my hair.

'I won't have hair anymore in a little and then you can't rub through my hair anymore.'

'Then I will rub your head, I don't mind you not having hair.'

'I do want a beanie or a hat,' I whispered.

'I understand, I will buy you multiple and you can wear a different one everyday.'


'Really,' Clay said, kissing my cheek. 'What colour do you like the most?'


'I will look for blue beanies for you.'

'Help,' I whispered then, grabbing the bucket out of Clay's hands. I sat up quickly and threw up again, having Clay comfort me meanwhile. He cleaned the bucket after and after drinking some water, I went to sleep. I was exhausted today, I was actually even more exhausted than before.

1023 words

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