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It was three weeks later and I was doing a little bit better. I was still extremely weak, but I had stopped throwing up. I was still sore and I couldn't eat well, so I still had my tube. I was allowed to go home today, since I had enough healthy white blood cells to fight against infections. My red blood cells were still low, but it was getting better.

I had slept days long and when I was allowed to go home after my first chemo I was happy to go back to school, although I really didn't want to think about any of this at the moment. I wished to be back in school, but I was way too weak for it at the moment. I hated complaining about how I felt and I always kept going no matter how bad I felt, but cancer changed me.

Though I still wasn't complaining about how I felt, I just knew I had to respect my own boundaries now. If I was really tired, I wouldn't go too far and listen to my body. Last time when I told myself it wasn't so serious I appeared to have cancer.

My bone marrow biopsy was really good and no leukaemia cells were found. All my cancer cells were killed with the extreme intense chemo and thanks to Clay I was still alive. If we wouldn't have been a match, I would have died. Doctors were almost giving up the hope of me getting better, the chance Clay and I were a match was so low, but it wasn't zero as Clay told me.

I was sitting in the car next to Clay and I was cuddling with him. He had been with me every single day in the hospital and I couldn't appreciate more what he had done for me. If I was a little less sick I was going to surprise him with anything he wanted.

The car stopped and I stood up slowly, having Clay hold me really tightly. I shook my head and I sat back down. I was too weak to walk, I just experienced the worst weeks in my life.

Clay smiled at me and grabbed my hands to lift me up. He carried me inside and laid me down on the couch. 'Home,' I whispered.

'You're home, honey.'

I nodded and smiled. 'I want to walk.'

'Shall we practise a little?'

I nodded and I sat up, having Clay hold my hands. We started really slowly walking around in the house and after that I walked the stairs a few times.

'Listen to your body, sweetie. Are you tired?'

'A little.'

'Shall we do something less intense?'

I nodded and I sat down on the couch. 'Shall we watch a movie together?'

I nodded again and I cuddled up with Clay as he put on a random movie. I managed to stay awake for the whole movie and after that I went to bed. Clay went with me and he kissed my forehead.

'I want to play the tournament.'

'It's in two weeks, honey. I don't think you can play in the tournament, you're a little too weak for that.'

'I want to play.'

'I know you want to, baby. But since we are both doing our year over, you can maybe play in the tournament next year.'


'We could talk to the principal about it.'

I nodded slowly. 'Can I at least try to play in the tournament? Or do you not want me in it? I think I understand if you don't want me to, since I would make you lose the tournament.'

'I would love you to play in the tournament, I honestly would do anything to get you to play, but I want you to be safe. I don't want you to go too far and hurt yourself.'

'I really want to try, but I will make the team lose for sure. I can't even normally walk, but I'm down to walk and run everyday so I'll be able to play a little.'

'That would be great.'

I shrugged insecurely and I looked at my hands. 'I don't think you want me to. And if you want me to, I don't think the others want me to. Why would they want me in their team when they can also win with Will.'

'We want you in our team, because you are a real fighter. You have been on the edge of death and you kept fighting. YOU were supposed to be in our team and if we lose, but still let your dream come true, I would lose with pride. Just as Alex said that he would lose with pride. And every single one in our team is going to shave their heads to support you.'

'You don't have to.'

'But we will. Our hair will grow back and if my boyfriend is insecure about being bald, we will all be bald to support you.'

'Is my hair going to grow back?'

'It will. Just give it a few weeks to a few months and it will start growing slowly.'

I smiled shyly. 'Even though you find me beautiful without hair, I would like to have my hair back. Or at least have my eyebrows grow back.'

'I understand, honey. But still, you're beautiful and I will never stop saying that.'

'I love you so much, I can't even explain to you how much I love you. You have done so much for me and I can never make this up to you. You have saved my life by donating your stem cells, you saved me by being with me all day when I was so incredibly sick. I was so sad all day, I threw up days long and you never left me. You even made yourself fail this school year to be with me. I really don't understand why I deserved this and I want to do something back.'

'Too bad that you can't do anything more than you did.'

'What did I do?'

'Existing,' Clay whispered as he kissed my cheek.

1024 words

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