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Clay came back from the store about thirty minutes later and I stood up again after I slept. Clay smiled at me and when my mum wasn't looking, he shortly kissed my lips. I giggled shyly and he grabbed my hand.

'Look, I bought chocolate too, we can fill the top with chocolate if you want.'

I nodded. 'Sounds good.'

I was really tired so I grabbed a chair to sit on and Clay didn't mind at all. He started mixing the stuff together and I stood up. I stuck my finger in the batter and I put it in my mouth.

'Does it taste nice?'

I nodded and stuck my finger in the batter again, this time to joke with Clay. I wiped the batter off on his nose and Clay giggled.

'How dare you do that,' Clay played with me as he wiped some batter off on my nose this time.

I started giggling as I wiped the batter away from his nose, he did the same and we smiled at each other, pressing our foreheads together. Clay smiled at me and giggled softly as he kissed my nose, pausing a little and kissing my lips after that.

We both melted away in the kiss a little, kissing more passionate than before as we heard someone cough softly. My cheeks heated up as I broke the kiss and I looked at my mum.

'Sorry mum,' I whispered. 'We uh-.'

'Don't apologise for anything, George. I just noticed you forgot me being here and I don't think you want some audience for this here.'

Clay blushed too and he looked at his hands awkwardly. 'Sorry.'

'Don't apologise, boys. I'm not crazy, I already knew for a long while that you like each other a lot. Are you more than friends now?'

I nodded slowly. 'We are boyfriends.'

'Aww, I'm so happy for you two.'

I smiled shyly and I grabbed Clay's hands. 'Let's bake the cake. I don't want to ruin anything, but I'm really tired.'

'You don't ruin anything, Georgie. Come, we just have to put it in the oven and then we wait. You can sleep for a little?'

I nodded. 'I'll try and stay awake,' I said.

'You don't have to try anything. You can sleep whenever you need to,' Clay said as he kissed my nose.

I smiled and looked at him as he put the cake in the oven. He grabbed my hand after and he helped me walk upstairs. I laid down in bed and cuddled up with him, closing my eyes.

'Do you think I'll be able to train for the tournament next week?' I whispered.

'I don't know, Georgie. I hope you will.'

'Will I be able to play the tournament if I have cancer?'

'I don't know, I'm sorry. I really don't know, I'm just hoping you can. Go and sleep, Georgie.'

I nodded and closed my eyes to sleep.

I was woken up hours later by my mother. I looked at her and it took me ten seconds to realise that she was crying. I frowned and sat up, looking at Clay. He had tears in his eyes and I was confused.


'We got a call, honey. We have to go to the hospital,' my mum said.

'What why? Already?'

'They didn't say why, but I guess we can guess why,' my mother whispered.

'No, no, no, I don't have cancer,' I muttered, fighting against my tears.

Clay noticed I was fighting not to cry and he hugged me tightly. 'Just cry, Georgie. You're totally allowed to cry.'

With that I bursted into tears and he held me tight in his arms.

'I don't have cancer, I don't have cancer.'

'Georgie, you're so extremely strong. You're going to win this fight,' Clay whispered, kissing my cheek.

'I don't want to have cancer.'

'I understand, Georgie. I don't want you to have it either, but your body just didn't want to work with you,' Clay said. 'But it's going to be alright again and we all are going to be there every second of the day.'

I nodded slightly and Clay wiped my tears away. 'You're so strong. You're going to beat this terrible disease.'

'I don't want to die.'

'You're not going to die, Georgie.'

'I'm just seventeen, I want to live my life.'

'Come here,' Clay said as he hugged me even tighter. It took him a few seconds and he started sobbing softly, just as my mum. I felt his tears falling down in my neck and we sat like this for minutes long. After that we went to the car to go to the hospital. My dad and mum sat in the front seat and Clay and I sat in the back. Clay was holding me tightly and was constantly rubbing my hand.

It was completely quiet in the car for the whole ride and when we came in the hospital we got immediately called to come inside. The doctor allowed everyone to come with me and I sat next to Clay, holding his hand.

'George, I think you might already know why you're here.'

I nodded slowly.

'I'm really sorry to say, but you have acute myeloid leukaemia. The leukaemia is at this moment rapidly progressing which means we have to treat you really fast. You will have to stay in the hospital and we will start the first treatment tomorrow. You need to have an MRI today to see if the cancer spread somewhere.'

'What are you going to do?'

'We start with induction. This means we are going to give you intense chemotherapy in which we try to kill as many cancer cells in your body. This will take a few weeks in which you can't go home. After that we will go to consolidation in which you're going to have chemotherapy for a few months with pauses between it.'

'I don't want to have chemo,' I whispered. 'Will I be sick of the chemo, what will happen?'

'Your hair will fall out and you will be really nauseous. You will feel some more symptoms and definitely in the beginning because we are giving you all sorts of drugs to kill the cancer in your bone marrow and blood.'

I was completely broken and I broke down in tears, as Clay pulled me into a tight hug. I didn't want cancer, I wanted to be happy.

1073 words

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