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-Throwing up

The next few days I immediately had the worst chemotherapy I had ever had. I threw up at least six times a day and felt absolutely terrible. I knew it was to make me better, but this was absolutely terrible. I couldn't eat normally anymore, because I would even throw up the tube feeding.

Today was the last day of my intense chemo and I would get my stem cell transplant tomorrow and then I would have to recover for weeks long.

I was with Clay, since he was always with me since a week now. My mum and dad slept in the hospital, my mum on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and so on and my dad on the other days. Clay had been here overnight once when I was feeling really bad. I didn't sleep that night and I threw up constantly, but Clay stayed with me and stayed up all night for me.

The next day was the day I would be getting the stem cells of Clay and I was brought to a room for them to do it. It lasted a short while and I was brought back to my room again. Clay cuddled up with me and constantly kissed my cheeks constantly.

'You're going to get better, honey,' he whispered.

I nodded slowly, but I was so incredibly sick at the moment that I only wanted to sleep. I closed my eyes and I slept for literally the rest of the day.

I woke up the next morning, still as sick as the day before. I was getting strong medication to suppress the nausea and the pain I was going through, but it didn't seem to work that well. I slept again for the whole day in Clay's arms. I honestly felt so bad for Clay, he was always energetic and he was always moving, but he had to sit still all day now.

I was barely awake for longer than forty minutes a day because I was so sick and tired. The doctors had done a bone marrow biopsy and I would get the results soon. I honestly had never felt sicker than I did now and when I was awake I cried often.

It was a few days later and I was awake during lunch. I didn't eat, I got fed through my tube, but I just threw it all up. I was softly crying in Clay's shirt as he ate his slice of bread. He was holding me tight against his body and finished eating his bread.

I could feel his phone buzz in his pocket and I tapped it softly. Clay smiled and kissed my cheek. 'You're more important, honey.'

I shook my head and tapped it again. I wanted him to do something else than having to sit here still to hold me tight. Clay smiled and grabbed his phone after I insisted on it. He started reading his texts and smiled brightly.

'I have good news, baby.'

I nodded softly and looked at him.

'I know you're incredibly weak at the moment, but baby. I called the school a little while back and I told them you were really sick but your last wish was to visit the tournament. I called them back when we found out we are a match and I told them about this too. They managed to reschedule the tournament for you. They scheduled it next month so you're at least able to watch.'

'For me?' I whispered.

'For you, honey.'


'You might not be able to play, but you can at least watch, sweetie.'

I nodded slowly and smiled. 'I will play.'

Clay smiled and he pressed his lips on mine shortly. My parents stood up to leave us alone for a little and Clay smiled at me, pressing his forehead against mine.

'I love you,' he whispered. 'I know you're really weak, but do you want to kiss, baby?'

I nodded really slowly and Clay smiled. He softly rubbed his hand over my cheek and pulled me closer, pressing his lips on mine. He kissed me really carefully while softly rubbing my cheek. We broke apart a while later and Clay smiled at me. 'Can I help you, honey?'

'Muscles sore, stomach hurt, tired.'

I was getting a blood transfusion everyday since my red blood cells were extremely low, but this also gave me side effects. I was just feeling extremely sick all day.

'Cold,' I whispered as I had chills running through my arms. Clay smiled at me and he pulled the sheets over us, hugging me really tightly against my body. He started rubbing over my stomach very carefully and kissed my cheek.


'I know you are, honey. I wish I could take it away. Do you have to throw up?'

I nodded slowly. 'I think so.'

I was so used to throwing up that I didn't even panic about it anymore. Clay grabbed the bucket for me and held my hand tightly as I threw up a minute later. He cleaned my bucket and we laid down again after I drank some water.

He started kissing my head again and he smiled. 'You're still so beautiful.'

I shook my head. 'Ghost.'

'You don't look like a ghost, honey. You're just very pale, but you're beautiful.'

I started sobbing really softly and Clay hugged me tightly. 'Can I help you, sweetie?'

'I want you to do things you enjoy.'

'What a coincidence that I'm already doing that.'


'I love cuddling with you, I do nothing else rather than cuddling with you.'

I smiled shortly and Clay wiped my tears away. 'You're going to feel better. I promise you, okay? You have to get through this to get better and I will be here for you, sweetie.'

I nodded slowly and I grabbed Clay's hand to wrap his arm around my shoulders. 'Cold.'

'Do you want another blanket?'

I shook my head and hugged him tightly. 'I want to hug you.'

'Okay, I will,' he said as he held me so tight that I started warming up again.

1018 words

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