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Against all advice of anyone around me, I still started training again. I started running around with Clay to warm up and after I was done I walked back to the others. I sat down on the bench to calm down for a little and the trainer said what the others were doing.

After I drank a little, I stood up and started training, but I started feeling more and more exhausted. After a while even I realised this wasn't good for me and I sat down on the side, looking at my trainer coming closer to me.

'Are you alright, George?'

I nodded slowly. 'I think I'm having a fever, but I really wanted to train today. I didn't want to miss the first training, I have been training for years to come in the team for the tournament. I don't want to get kicked out immediately.'

'George, we would have understood you not coming to the training when you're sick. You should go home and next week you can come back for the next training.'

I nodded slowly and I stood up, having my sight getting black again. I had to hold something not to fall down and my trainer looked at me. 'George, I don't think this is just a fever. Do you maybe want to talk with me shortly?'

I nodded slowly. 'Fine.'

The trainer grabbed my hand and we walked to the changing room, sitting down.

'Have you been eating less lately?'

I nodded slightly. 'I guess I have, but I'm just not that hungry.'

The trainer nodded. 'Have you been starving yourself?'

'No, not at all. I don't have an eating disorder at all, I promise.'

'Okay, and have you been sleeping well lately?'

I nodded. 'I sleep a lot, because I'm really tired.'

'Do you know why?'

I shook my head. 'I just have been exhausted.'

'Have you been feeling down?'

'No, I'm pretty happy. I just feel a bit sick, but I'm mentally completely alright. I actually am, I love life.'

'Have you noticed any weird things lately?'

'I think it's just a fever.'

'What have you noticed then?'

'Nosebleeds, bruises, dizziness, I'm really tired and I fall asleep a lot. I haven't really been concentrating and I lost weight apparently.'

'I would like you to go to the doctor for this.'

'I think it will be fine after my fever is over.'

'I still would like you to ask your parents to go to the doctor and draw some blood.'


'Don't worry about that, just draw some blood to make sure everything is alright.'

'I want to know what you're thinking of.'

'Oh, nothing. I'm not thinking about anything, I'm just thinking it's better to get it checked out.'

'You're lying,' I shrugged, a bit annoyed by him lying.

He smiled at me. 'I don't want to make you scared, George and I'm not going to say anything without knowing things for sure, okay? Please, just get some blood checked out and it's totally fine if your blood results are fine.'

I nodded. 'Okay, fine. I will get it checked out, but it's just a fever.'

'Okay, let your mum call the doctor today or as quickly as possible and then next week you can just train with us again.'

I nodded and stood up. 'Can I say goodbye to Clay?'

The trainer smiled. 'Of course.'

I noticed myself smile as soon as I mentioned his name and the trainer saw. 'Do you have a little crush?'

I blushed and shook my head. 'He's my best friend.'

My face got really warm and my trainer grinned. 'Sure.'

'I'm uh- now going to say goodbye to him.'

My trainer laughed softly and I rolled my eyes at him, walking to the hall. Clay looked up and he smiled, running towards me.

'Are you going home?'

I nodded. 'I'm honestly exhausted.'

'Go to sleep when you're home.'

'I have to do my homework first.'

'You promised me not to come to school for the next few days.'

'But I want to see you.'

'I'll come visit you everyday after school until you will get better.'

'But you might get sick.'

'I don't care. If I get to choose between seeing my best friend and my health, I would always choose you.'

I smiled shyly and Clay grabbed my hands. 'I hope you're better soon. Do you want me to come after school?'

'Are you able too?'

'Yes, I think I am. I do have to do my homework first though, but if you don't mind me doing it when you are just laying in bed, I can come to you?'

I nodded. 'I might sleep a lot though.'

'That's fine, I will just sit or lay down next to you.'

'Do you want to cuddle with me?'

Clay giggled softly. 'Of course.'

'Sorry, that might sound weird, but I'm just feeling really bad and I need you now.'

'Of course, I will cuddle with you when you sleep.'

I smiled and hugged Clay. 'Sorry for being so annoying and not listening to you. The trainer now also told me to call the doctor so I guess I will tomorrow or something. My dad is home around six today, do you want to eat with us?'

Clay nodded. 'Sounds good, my parents work late too today, they work till nine. I'm glad to be with you then.'

I smiled as I held Clay even tighter. Clay softly kissed my neck and blushed slightly as we broke apart.

'Sorry for uh- kissing your neck, I uh- I just felt like doing that,' Clay whispered.

I smiled and held his hands tightly. 'I love you, Clay. I love you a lot, please never leave my side whatever happens.'

'I won't. I promise you on everything I have,' Clay smiled. He held his pinkie out and grabbed my hand. 'Pinkie promise.'

I giggled. 'Okay then, see you after school?'

'See you.'

'See you.'

Before I let go of Clay's hand I smiled at him. 'I'm glad to have you.'

'So am I.'

1016 words

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