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-Throwing up

After talking with Riley I was so exhausted that I went back to my room to lay down in bed and cuddle with Clay. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep for the rest of the day.

I was awake in the evening for a little, but that was it. Clay had to go home and so did my parents. I literally begged them to stay with me, but they couldn't which made me really sad.

I fell asleep alone that evening and the next morning I woke up even more exhausted than yesterday and I was only waiting for Clay and my parents again. Clay got brought to the hospital by his parents and my parents arrived just a bit later. I was just eating lunch as they were here with me and the nurses were already preparing for another chemotherapy today.

Two hours after lunch, they started the chemo again. Clay sat behind me, holding me tightly as long as I needed him too. He was kissing my cheek every minute and after the chemo was done a long while later, Clay grabbed some papers.

'Shall we draw together?'

I nodded and smiled at him.

'What shall we draw?'

'We can try and draw a bird,' I said as I saw a bird sitting down on the other side of the window. Clay followed where my eyes were looking and he saw the bird too.

'We can show people and see who won,' I giggled.

'Fine, I'm sure I'll beat you anyways,' Clay giggled, hitting my shoulder softly.

I rolled my eyes and grinned. 'Definitely not.'

Clay smiled and he gave me a pencil. 'How long do we take for this?'

'I'm bored as hell anyway, we can really try making something, if you want.'

Clay nodded heavily. 'Sure.'

We both started drawing and I finished my drawing an hour later. I started feeling very nauseous and I laid down, with Clay next to me. He finished his drawing and showed his.

'Oh,' I giggled. 'I guess yours is way better.'

'Wait, but yours is actually good too. I didn't even know we could both draw.'

I giggled and I looked at Clay. 'Shall we ask others opinions on them?' he asked.

My parents had left a while ago, they weren't gone, but they went to walk together for a little since the sun was shining. It made me really sad since I couldn't go outside, but Clay made me focus on other things.

'I think I want to lay down for a little,' I whispered. 'Do you uh- have a bucket?'

'I will quickly get one.' Clay ran off to get me bucket real quick and he came back a few minutes later. I immediately grabbed the bucket and hung over it, breathing heavily.

Clay was sitting next to me and held me tight to his body. 'Calm down, Georgie. You're going to be okay.'

I nodded slowly, but I got even more nauseous. It only took one more minute before I threw up. Clay rubbed my back slowly and gave me some water and a napkin to clean my mouth with.

'Do you need to throw up again, sweetie?'

I nodded and held the bucket close to my body.

'Do you want me to call a doctor to give you some medication against the nausea?'

'In a minute, stay with me,' I whispered.

'Of course, Georgie. I'm staying with you as long as you want me to.'

I wanted to answer him, but I threw up another  time.

'Another time, Georgie?' Clay asked.

I shrugged and held Clay's hand really tightly. 'I don't want to throw up anymore.'

'I understand, Georgie. Do you think you're going to throw up again?'

I nodded and Clay softly rubbed over my back. My shirt was wet because of all the sweat, but Clay didn't mind at all.

'We can also press your button, Georgie,' Clay said, kissing my cheek.

I nodded heavily and Clay pressed my alarm button, which called a nurse. Within a minute a nurse ran in and she looked at us.

'He is really nauseous and he keeps throwing up. I wanted to ask someone for help, but he doesn't dare being alone.'

'I understand that! We will give you some more medication against the nausea, George.'

I nodded thankfully, but not long after that I threw up again. The nurse sat down on my bed and grabbed my drawing.

'That looks amazing! Did you draw it?'

I pointed at the one I drew and Clay pointed at the other.

'You are both really good.'

I smiled softly and looked at the bucket, pushing it away a little. 'Can I have some water?'

Clay immediately gave me my bottle of water and I drank a few sips, laying back down.

'I'll clean this for you, George,' the nurse said after she gave me medication against nausea.

I cuddled up with Clay and I started sobbing softly. 'I feel so bad.'

'Do you want to lay down or walk for a little? We can show Riley our drawings later?'

'I want to lay down for now, but I want to show our drawings later.'

'We will later then.' Clay kissed my forehead and smiled at me. 'I love you.'

'I love you too,' I whispered, sobbing softly. 'I don't want to be sick, Clay. I don't want to feel like this anymore.'

'I understand, sweetie. I wish I could take it all away from you. I wish I was sick and you were healthy and happy. But since I can't do that, I can be here with you every single day as long as I can. I will try and support you as much as possible.'

I bursted into tears now and Clay rubbed through my hair.

'Are you disgusted by me?'

'Why would I, sweetie?'

'Because I'm throwing up a lot.'

'Georgie, you're really sick and you're getting drugs that your body isn't used to at all. It's really not gross at all, I will never be disgusted by you anyway.'

I smiled shyly and he kissed my cheek. 'I will only love you forever.'

1030 words

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