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After school Clay went home with me. I immediately went to bed and Clay sat in my room. He had asked my mum to shave his head again after he ensured me he actually wanted to have his head shaved completely bald again. He did keep his eyebrows and such, but I wanted him to.

After he shaved his head, he laid down with me in my bed and looked at me. 'How are you, honey?'

'I'm exhausted.'

'Do you have some energy left to kiss?' Clay giggled.

I smiled shyly and nodded. 'I might have a little bit left for that.'

Clay giggled and he pressed his lips on mine. His hand went up to my head, softly rubbing over it as he kissed me meanwhile. I held his waist to pull him close to me and his other hand rubbed my chest.

He broke the kiss a while later and smiled at me. 'I love you.'

'I love you too,' I whispered and before I knew Clay already kissed me again. He rolled more on top of me, not putting his full weight on me. I was pretty weak and he would crush me if he did that.

We had been kissing for minutes long, constantly breaking apart to catch some air and kissing again. After a while someone knocked on the door and Clay and I broke apart quickly.

'Yeah,' I mumbled.

The door opened and Clay rolled away from me, sitting up after. My mum came in and smiled. 'Last time George had to go to hospital after you baked a cake, so I bought another one. You can make it if you want to, you will be able to eat it too now.'

'Thanks,' I said smiling.

'I bought all ingredients for you, so you can make it whenever.'

Clay looked at me. 'Do you have any more energy left, sweetie?'

I nodded. 'I might be able to, but I think I will be sitting on a chair.'

'That's totally fine, Georgie.'

My mum walked away again and I shortly kissed Clay. 'I love kissing you,' I giggled.

'I love kissing you just as much.'

'How did we not know we were in love with each other?' I giggled shyly.

Clay wheezed. 'I have no idea, I guess we were too innocent to realise.'

He pressed his lips shortly on mine and lifted me up. 'I'll carry you downstairs,' Clay said smiling.

'You don't have to, I'm way too heavy.'

'You too heavy?' Clay laughed. 'If someone is not heavy here then it's you.'

I rolled my eyes and let Clay lift me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me off the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he walked down the stairs with me. He laid me down on the couch and kissed the top of my head. 'I'll grab you a chair.'

I nodded slowly and Clay walked off, grabbing a chair for me. He held my hand as he lifted me up, pulling me to the kitchen carefully. He kissed my nose shortly and I looked at him nervously. 'Beanie?'

'You don't need your beanie, you're really handsome like this.'

I nodded slowly and Clay kissed the top of my head. He was way taller so he could easily reach the top of my head. He started kissing my head everywhere and smiled at me after. 'So handsome.'

'I like myself more with hair.'

'I like you either way.'

'I wish to have hair again.'

Clay kneeled down in front of me as I sat down on the chair. He grabbed my hands. 'If you want hair again, we will act like you have.'


'We will grab the makeup of your mother and I will draw you eyebrows.'

I pouted slightly because of how emotional he was making me with being this sweet. 'You mean that?'

'I totally mean that. We will bake a cake and after that I will draw you eyebrows.'

I giggled shyly and hugged Clay. 'I know it's just temporarily, but I already appreciate it so much that it will look like I have eyebrows for just a little again.'

Clay kissed my cheek and smiled. 'If you miss your hair, I will do anything to make it seem like you have hair.'


'Yes, sweetie.'

'I'm going to sound really clingy, I think.'

'You won't, baby.'

'Can you kiss my head again? It makes me feel loved,' I whispered, looking at my hands.

Clay smiled and he stood up, kissing my whole head again. After he kissed my head, he paused a little and looked at me. He smiled and kissed my whole head again. 'Still insecure?'

I shrugged and Clay took that as a yes, kissing my head again. I smiled shyly and hid my face in his shirt. He rubbed my head and smiled as he walked back to the bowl and all ingredients. He started preparing the mix of the cake and after he was done, he waited for the oven to be preheated. He lifted me up and let me sit down on his lap.

'Do I need to get you your tube feeding?' he asked me, kissing my cheek.

I looked at the time on the clock and nodded. 'Probably.'

Clay stood up again, walking away to get the tube feeding. He came back, attached the syringe to my tube and gave me my feeding. After he was done with that, he cleaned it for a little and he put the cake in the oven, just to cuddle with me on the couch after.

'Do you want to sleep until the cake is done or do you want me to draw your eyebrows now?'

I nodded slowly. 'Maybe firstly sleep. Otherwise it will maybe come on my pillow.'

Clay nodded and cuddled up with me, kissing my cheek and my nose. 'I love you, go sleep for a little, sweetie. I'll be cuddling with you.'

I smiled and kissed his cheek. 'I love you too.'

1012 words

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