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-Mental breakdown

After a while I stood up again with Clay and we started training again. I had a lot of fun and people seemed to like it a lot that I was training with them. The training continued pretty fast and after the training I sat down in the changing room, breathing heavily. I was sweating so much that the beanie started itching on my head. Normally I would have had hair in between there, but I didn't.

I looked at Clay with a sad look and he smiled at me. 'What's wrong?'

'I just don't dare taking my beanie off, but it's uncomfortable because I'm sweating.'

Clay smiled and sat down on the other side of me, making me sit in the corner of the changing room. He sat in front of me so no one was able to see me and smiled. 'Now you can take it off.'

'I'm scared that anyone will laugh at me.'

'Shall we ask them?'

I shrugged. 'Maybe they will find me weird without my beanie.'

'I will ask them okay?'

I nodded slowly and Clay coughed slightly. 'Guys?'

Everyone looked up at him and some smiled. 'George would like to take off his beanie, but he doesn't dare to. He's afraid you will look at him, or that you will laugh at him.'

'We would never and with that, you're just the same as us. I don't see a difference between you not wearing a beanie and us not wearing a beanie,' Sapnap said.

'But I don't have any hair,' I whispered.

'So?' Zak now said.

'Maybe you will find me ugly.'

'You aren't ugly at all. I don't mind you not having hair in the slightest,' Karl filled in.

I suddenly completely broke down. I had tears streaming down my face and Clay hugged me tightly. 'Can you try and tell me what's making you so sad?'

'If I am able to participate in the tournament all families will come and watch and I'm going to be bald.'

Sapnap stood up. 'You know George, I don't even mind anymore. The day before we will play the tournament, I'm going to shave my head. Just as Clay I will go completely bald just to show you that you're not fighting this battle alone.'

'I will too,' Zak said.

'Same,' Darryl said.

'I'm already always wearing a beanie and I have never shown my hair, so I'll shave it too,' Alex said.

I looked at them in shock. 'Are you serious?'

'We are really serious,' Sap said. 'I'm going to shave my head the day before the tournament.'

'And what if I'm not able to play?'

'I'll still shave my head in memory of the fact you were supposed to play. If you can't play, will you come watch?' Sapnap asked.

I nodded. 'I will.'

'I will show you that I care then. Whatever happens, if you play or not, I will go bald for you.'

'What if I die?' I whispered.

Clay grabbed my hand tightly. 'You're not going to die, sweetie. Don't think that negatively, okay?'

'But what if?'

'I will shave my head bald for the rest of my life to remember you,' Clay said.

'I'll join in,' Sap said.

'How am I worth this much to you? I don't feel like I'm worth so much. You don't have to go bald for me, I just feel weird sometimes.'

'And I don't want you to feel weird, baby,' Clay said as he kissed my cheek and took off his beanie. He rubbed his hand over the short hairs on his head. 'I'll be shaving it today.'

'And George,' Sapnap said. 'You can just take your beanie off whenever you want to. You don't have to do sports with that thing on.'

I nodded slightly and slowly started taking off my beanie, looking down at the ground. Clay started kissing my whole head and hugged me tightly. 'You're so beautiful.'

'But I lost literally all my hair,' I whispered.

'Because your body is getting extremely strong drugs to beat the cancer in your blood and bone marrow.'

'I don't want chemo anymore,' I whispered as tears streamed down my face. I was suddenly completely breaking down and I cried in Clay's shirt, causing his whole shirt to get wet.

'Sweetie, I totally understand that you don't want chemo anymore, but I would love you to get better again.'

'Maybe I will never get better.'

'You will, the doctor was really positive, baby. The leukaemia cells went down with a lot.'

I nodded softly. 'But it can come back.'

Clay pulled me closer to his body and kissed my head constantly. 'We are going to stay positive, sweetie. It's all going the right way now, okay?'

'I want to be able to play the tournament, but I will make our team lose.'

'I will lose with pride,' Alex said.

I smiled shyly and Clay wiped my tears away. 'We are going to do anything to make it easier for you, baby. We will all shave our heads for you.'

'You really don't have to.'

'But we will,' Karl now said too. 'I'll shave my head too.'

'Same,' Luke said.

I never felt more appreciated than now and I hid my face in Clay's shirt. He rubbed my head and kissed it again. 'I love you so much.'

I smiled and giggled shortly. 'I love you too.'

'You're so extremely beautiful, I swear to you.'

I smiled at him and he kissed my nose, rubbing my head. 'You can keep your beanie off whenever you want to, you look just as beautiful without it.'

'Thank you all so much, I feel a bit better now. I'm sorry for crying, I think it's because of all the medication, it makes my mood change dramatically in just a second.'

'That's totally fine, we all understand,' Alex smiled.

I nodded thankfully and stood up with Clay. 'Can I have some water?'

'It's empty, I'll fill it up for you.'

'Oh, don't worry. I have a new bottle,' Darryl said. 'You can keep it.'

'Thank you so much,' I whispered as I drank the whole bottle at once.

1030 words

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