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-Only mentions of things

I was very tired after standing here, but just as I wanted to go back to my room I saw Riley.

She walked towards me and smiled. 'I'm coming for my sixth round,' she said smiling. 'How are you feeling?'

I shrugged. 'My leukaemia cells didn't lower enough so I'm having another round of chemo, but it's the strongest drugs at this point.'

'Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. When did you have chemo?'

'A few hours ago. I have thrown up a lot, but I got extra medication.'

Riley rolled her eyes. 'I hate the side effects of chemo. I don't have it as bad as you, but I throw up a lot.'

'My mouth hurts a lot and I couldn't eat so they gave me a tube.'

Riley nodded. 'You're very thin so I think that's better. Your body needs all the nutrition it can get at this point.'

I nodded and smiled. Riley looked at Clay and then started smiling. 'Wait, did you shave your head?'

Clay nodded and took off his beanie to show I bald head. 'If my boyfriend's hair falls out and if he feels alone and weird, I'm going to be bald too.'

'Oh gosh, I wish I had a relationship like you.'

'He let someone make this beanie for me,' I said as I pulled it off, giving it to her.

'That's so cool! I love it.'

'I just don't really dare showing my bald head to anyone but Clay and my parents. Well and you obviously, since you have the same.'

'I understand,' Riley said. 'I don't dare to either. I wear this wig all the time,' she said as she took it off.

'Now we are matching.'

I giggled and Clay took off his beanie too. 'Can I be included?'

'You can always be included,' Riley said. 'I honestly love what you've done for him. You're such an amazing boyfriend, please guys. Never break up, I love your relationship too much.'

Clay giggled and kissed my cheek. 'I won't break up with him, never.'

I smiled shyly and nodded. 'I would like to go back to my room now, I'm really tired and sore.'

'Totally understandable, I have to go inside for my chemo. I might come to your room sometime.'

I smiled and Clay and I walked back to my room. I sat down on my bed and cuddled up with Clay. My parents stood up to sit closer to my bed and my mum smiled.

'Sweetie, your dad and I have a surprise. We are going to walk for a little and we asked the nurse something.'


'Your brother is allowed to visit you but with gloves and a mask since he has been in contact with others, do you like that?'

I nodded heavily. 'I've missed him a lot.'

My brother hadn't been allowed to come since either my parents or Clay were here all day. There was really no one more allowed in here than them, but since my parents were going on their daily walk, my brother could come and visit me.

Luckily there weren't too many people here. My mother was always here with me. She stopped working for a little to be here with me. Clay was here after school for the rest of the days and whole days in the weekend. My dad was here mostly in the evening because he had to work. He sometimes took a day off to be here with me all day.

I had texted a lot with my brother, but he didn't even know how I looked yet and I was pretty scared about that.

My parents said goodbye and they walked off, letting my brother walk in with fully protected clothes, gloves and a big mask. He ran towards me and sat down next to my bed, grabbing my hand.

'George,' he whispered as tears filled his eyes. 'I'm so happy to see you again.'

I tried talking back, but I bursted into tears. My brother smiled at me and rubbed my hand. 'You're so strong, I knew my little brother would be the strongest person I had ever known.'

'Do you find me ugly?' I whispered.

'Never George, why would I find you ugly?'

'I lost a lot of weight, I have a tube and- I'm bald.'

'You're beautiful, you're absolutely gorgeous. Do you think I'm not going to love my brother anymore after he lost his hair because of the most intense chemotherapy there is?'

I shrugged.

'You're beautiful, George. How is it all going?'

'Chemo makes me so sick,' I whispered. I was honestly exhausted and laid down in Clay's arms. Clay understood that I was too tired to talk so he started talking.

'The nausea especially is really bad for him. He throws up a lot and he's always really tired. And I think he has a lot of stomachaches and his whole body is sore.'

I nodded and had my eyes closed, holding my brother's hand.

'The first chemo round didn't work well enough,' I whispered. 'They have to do it again.'

'I'm so sorry to hear that, it must be awful, George. I'm so glad Clay is here for you.'

'I love him, he's my boyfriend,' I whispered, still with my eyes closed.

'I know he is, are you in love with him?'

I nodded. 'But we can't do much, we can't kiss each other long and I'm always scared Clay hates me because of that.'

'Hey, hey, hey!' Clay yelled. 'I don't hate you at all. We can kiss sometimes and I don't mind at all. I'll wait for you just as long until it's safe to kiss you again.'

I nodded slowly and closed my eyes. 'Do you want to see what Clay and I drew?'

'I would love to.'

Clay grabbed the four papers, the ones with the birds and with each other.

'That's amazing, I didn't know you both had such drawing talents.'

I smiled and I was fighting against my sleep. My brother was here and I had to stay awake. But even though I was fighting against it, I still fell asleep minutes later.

1032 words

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